


2024-10-05 09:11分类: 留学政策 阅读:







内地代理广告代言演出事宜:星宇传媒娱乐经纪公司 姓名:苏有朋 姓名由来:因为有朋是农历八月十五生的,苏妈妈也是农历八月十五生日,所以有朋出生后,家里就有两个月亮,因此取“有双月”的意思,即:有朋。 粉丝称号:朋迷

苏有朋(8张)  粉丝对其称呼:老大、小乖、社长、道长、有朋、老苏 天有月 心有朋 粉丝口号:以前以后最爱有朋 两个月亮画一画 天涯海角划一划 性别:男 祖籍:江西(爷爷是江西人) 出生地: 台湾省台北市 身高:173 cm 体重:64kg 血型:B型 星座:处女座 生肖:牛 宗教:佛教 家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、弟弟 喜欢的服饰:休闲服,休闲时装,运动裤,运动鞋,鸭舌帽,墨镜 喜欢的音乐:流行,摇滚,抒情

苏有朋(9张)  喜欢做的事:打电动 最喜欢的运动:篮球、棒球 国小:大桥、双莲国小 国中:成渊、明伦国中 高中:台北市立建国高级中学 大学:台湾大学机械工程系(大四休学) 大陆签约公司:华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司 爱好:唱歌、听音乐 个人才艺:电子琴 语言:国语 英语 闽南语 广东话 近视度数:1000度(2002年做了近视矫正手术) 鞋码:41 喜欢的饮食:豆浆、蚵仔面线 最喜欢的花:玫瑰花 最喜欢的食物:涮羊肉 


最喜欢的饮料:豆浆,绿豆沙牛奶 最喜欢的中国作家:张爱玲 最喜欢的漫画:单身宿舍连环泡 最想去的地方:伦敦,纽约, 印度,尼泊尔 希望成为何种人:自由自在,随心所欲的人 最想实现的梦想:出国留学 最快乐的事:自己的努力得到大家肯定 最难过的事:失恋的时候 最糗的事:小时候常吃路边摊,每次吃完都忘了把眼镜带回来,所以常换眼镜 最喜欢演的角色:能突破自我的角色 最喜欢哪个偶像:Madonna Beyonce Britney 圈内好友:林心如 吴奇隆 陈志朋 黄子佼 张涵予 赵薇 贾静雯 高圆圆 林志颖 金城武 胡彦斌 张娜拉 蔡琳 刘涛 范冰冰 黄晓明 陆毅 李冰冰 任泉等 中文名:林志颖 英文名:Jimmy Lin 昵称:Jimmy Lin、小志 绰号:小旋风、林董、顽皮豹(小时候) Fans喜欢叫他的昵称:小志、林小志、老林、林董、林sir、林同学、老大、小颖、小林、林小帅、志颖、… 生于:1974年10月15日晚上

林志颖 写真1(11张)  身高:172cm 体重:58kg 生肖:虎 星座:天秤座 血型:O型 祖籍: 中国福建省福州市 出生地:中国台湾省台北市 民族: 汉族 最尊敬的人:父亲 与自己最亲近的家人:外婆 毕业学校:忠孝国小——怀生国中——华冈艺校(主修表演 副修摄影) 出道时间:1992年2月28日 饮食习惯:不吃酸辣、不吸烟、不喝酒 身材秘诀:经常锻炼,讨厌大肚子 宗教信仰:佛教 休闲嗜好:摄影、上网、玩游戏、健身、漫画、KTV、音乐动画 赛车 家庭成员:父亲(林德雄)(心脏病突发已去世)、母亲(林金华)(父母已离异)、一兄(林志杰)、二弟(林志鑫、林志龙)、一妹(林志忆)、妻子(陈若仪)、 儿子(小小志Kimi) 口 头 禅:“还好啦”、“不要这么说” 、“没有啦”、“没那么夸张”、“蛮……”等等 座 右 铭:“人因梦想而伟大!”“人生可以有后悔,但不可以有遗憾!” 出版书籍:《大兵日记》 《旋风再起》 唱片公司:丰华唱片 经纪人:葛静琪(Grace) 个人品牌:JR(Jimmy Racing) 入伍日期:1994年11月15日 退伍日期:1996年11月16日

林志颖 写真2(20张) 旧金山林志颖日:10月17日 擅长的运动:赛车、滑板、棒球、野战、游泳、高尔夫球、保龄球、潜水、滑雪、骑自行车、滑浪板、水上摩托艇、网球 喜爱的表情:笑 最喜欢的收藏:模型车、车杂志、邮票、相机、枪、名车、手表 最喜爱的影星:刘德华、张曼玉 最喜爱的颜色:红、白、黑 最喜爱的歌星:王杰, 迈克尔·杰克逊 偶像赛车手:车王舒马赫 最喜欢的水果:香蕉、西瓜 最喜欢的饮料:牛奶、白开水 最喜欢的动物:狗 最喜欢的数字:7 喜欢的一本书:史达尼斯拉夫斯基表演体系 最喜欢的**:《直到永远》(《Always》)(1989年奥黛丽·赫本等主演) 最喜欢的一首歌:黎明破晓前 最擅长做的菜:奶油蛤蛎意大利面 最喜欢的国家:泰国  最喜欢的城市:北京 最欣赏的车手:陈维良 最满意的部位:眼睛 圈中好友:钟汉良 许绍洋 吴奇隆 刘亦菲 林心如 林俊杰 张惠妹 苏有朋 黄子佼 萧蔷 简美妍 杜德伟 高虎 阿SA 钟丽缇 徐若瑄 潘玮柏 郭品超 陈彦妃 洪小铃 陈为民 罗志祥 张智霖 张卫健等 收藏BB枪:SR47、AUG、M60、M249机枪、改装Marine款、左轮、点45等等十多支 现有车辆:兰博基尼Gallardo、斯巴鲁、劳斯莱斯 、悍马H3、法拉利F430、法拉利575、保时捷996、奔驰、BMW、百年纪念版哈雷重型机车(机车之王)等 现有手表:ORIS小舒马克限量计时码表;AP Montoya计时码表、TISSOT MotoGP、GRAHAM、ROLEX 、PANARAI 计时表、TechnoMarine 悍马表等




 这个问题真的因人而异。总的说来有一个原则要把握:当你准备好的时候。什么意思呢?如果你现在依然奔命于各种考试,或是忙着跟在师兄师姐后面在实验室参加课题,那我建议你可以等一等。不要因为看到周围的申请者套磁套的热火朝天,就担心导师都被套完了。事实上,这种担心是多余的。退一万步说,即使导师有可能被别人联系了个遍,你也要明白这样一个道理:申请是一个?择优录取?的过程,而不是?先到先得?。只要我们能够在评审结束以前证明自己更qualified,那就是成功。只要白纸黑字的offer letter没有发出去,那任何的口头承诺都没有效力,都是可以被轻易更改的,这样的例子屡见不鲜。不厚道也好,你骂娘也好,事情本身无可厚非。



 我们不能说套怎样的教授更容易得到offer。我觉得这样没有可比性。但联系怎样的教授能得到较高的回复率,这个还是有相对高低的。个人觉得,套磁的回复率从高到低是assistant professor>associate professor>professor。

 一般而言,assistant professor急于搭建自己的实验室,招兵买马,所以对学生的需求可能更大。另一方面,系里可能都会考虑到AP一开始没有学生,所以在一开始都会给AP招几个学生。至于professor,无论是实验室运转还是招生数量都维持在一个相对稳定的情况下。很可能都是一两年内招1个新学生。这取决于实验室目前是否饱和,是否有项目更新等客观问题。associate professor则介于两者之间。所以,如果是一开始的话,我建议大家可以从AP开始下手。








 任何能够帮助佐证你科研实力与match程度的文书。我一般附加以下的内容,仅供参考:CV, thesis abstracts, research proposal。这点因人而异,自己拿捏就好。






 Mr. X: I am impressed with your motivation and excellent writing in English. You have also done interesting research projects as an undergraduate student. However, the competition for admission to our graduate program is very keen, especially for international students. Many candidates score higher in GRE and have already published as the first author in international journals. You may apply to our graduate program, but nothing can be guaranteed for admission. Thanks for your interest in us.



 Hi XX,

 Thank you for your interest. I'm not sure if I will take students this fall or not. I cannot say what your chances for admission are since we are unsure who else will apply this year and how many positions we will have. Thank you for your application.




 Thank you very much for contacting me. I am planning on taking one or two students in Fall 2011. I encourage you to apply for our program.

 注意措辞,是apply for our program而不是my lab。他可能给每一个发信的或者是基本符合要求的学生都这样回复。所以,碰到鼓励申请的并不代表你就有较大的可能性被录取。

 (4)no opening型

 Thank you for your interest in my research group. Unfortunately I don?t have any open positions right now.




 Model 1:

 Dear XX, you are with very appropriate background and interests. I greatly appreciate your interest and sending such detailed information. I would like to schedule a phone conversation with you if possible later next week and discuss your application and interests further. Looking forward to our further communication.

 Best regards


 Model 2:

 Dear XX,

 Sorry for not replying earlier. Your email has actually gone into my spam folder. If you have an official China email address you should use it to communicate with me. I would be keen to consider you for the project. I would like to have a copy of your CV and you should indicate your area of technical expertise, in particular I would like to know your experience and knowledge in the field of *** research. If you have technical experience in *** it would be great. If you are keen to read up on the current research on this area, I would be able to send you a section of the thesis of my PhD student.



 Model 3:

 Hi XX,

 Thanks for your email and your interest to pursue your education in ***X. From your letter and your CV, you are certainly qualified. Let me know if need any specific help from me.


 Model 4:

 Dear Mr X; I am very sorry I did not reply to you earlier but I have been travelling and very busy with some deadlines. Thank you for your interest in my laboratory an my research on *********X. Your background is very suitable for this project and I am interested in discussing the possibility of you doing a Ph.D in my lab. Perhaps you could give me a telephone number and time when we could discuss this? I am travelling next week form Tuesday until Thursday but am free most other times. Looking forward to talking to you.


 Model 5:

 Hi X

 Thank you for your mail. I have one project available which involves the ***. The project would involve molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology and structural biology and would ***XX. If you are interested in this type of research, please let me know and we can investigate the possibility of a studentship in ***.



 Model 6:

 Mr. X,

 Thank you for making an effort to write a comprehensive letter stating your objectives and prior experience. If you will, I do not have a problem of being your supervisor. We could discuss the project in more details and see whether by that time there will be an opening in the lab for you.

 BTW, I met your supervisor and sent him some of our transgenics within a framework of collaboration.


 Model 7:

 Dear XX:

 Your experience is definitely suitable to study in my lab. As I indicated earlier, I will be happy to take you if you can get any type of scholarship. If you have good TOEFL and GRE score, I can try to push you for the Aug-2010 intake.


 Model 8:

 Hi X,

 Sorry for the tardiness in responding. I would be happy to discuss with you. XX can make the arrangements. Can you check on your eligibility?





 这个我只说一点。那就是如何套推荐人的关系户。我的推荐人是TOP20某校的系主任,美籍华裔。推荐算是strong recommendation,不是general的那种。我一开始是选择了一些我了解到的和他关系不错的导师来套。回复率很可观。但有一个问题大家一定要注意。那就是如何利用推荐人的关系。如果你不是他的学生,他不是你的supervisor,千万不要在信里面让对方误会你们的关系。也不要打着他的旗号说怎样怎样。要知道,他们的沟通只是一个电话的问题。我记得我当时套的一个导师说不招生,之后立马就给推荐人打电话说很抱歉,你的学生我不能接收。这就很乌龙。因为我根本就不是推荐人的直接学生。







 Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. I'm an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, I'd like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can bee the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time.


 11 March 2010

 Personal Statement

 My name is XXX, I was born on 19,Mar,1989 in xxx City of xxx Province—a beautiful seaside city. I spent my wonderful childhood and boyhood there.

 In grade one of primary school, I was awarded to be the “Three Good Student” of the city, and was awarded the title of “Excellent Young Pioneer” of Qingdao City before graduation. All of these are great honor for a pupil. After finishing primary education, I acpanied my parents ing to the so called “Heaven of the World”—Hangzhou City. My grandfather said I was so lucky that I lived and studied in the most two beautiful cities both in the north and south of China. In fact, what made me more lucky was I studied in the best junior high school and senior high school in Hangzhou City and even in Zhejiang Province.

 I request myself ever and again self-consciously: what others can do, so can I, what others can’t do, I still must try my best to achieve.

 In study, I am serious, self-conscious; I can learn more in limit time, so many students think my efficiency is higher than them. My result is considered satisfactory. As I have strong ability of organizing and municating, I have taken the post of secretary of school studentunionin junior high school, later, I was selected to be vice secretary of school league mittee. Under the nice atmosphere of junior high school and senior high school, I can exert my strong suit well. I love puter, I have gained the first prize of “National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces” . Because of my operation ability of website and software and nice prestige, I was successfully elected to be the minister of rmation network minister of school student union, being responsible for daily management and maintenance of school after class.

 Besides study, I also take part in sports actively, I am fond of tennis ball, having taken part in tennis ball match, and gained good result. I always practice long-distance running, and obtained silver cup in school sports meeting. I also like playing guitar and so on musical instrument.

 The appraisal that teachers and clas *** ates placed on me is: lively, kind and *** art, possessing certain ability of organizing, municating.

 I hope after finished study in your school, I can successfully attend Oxbridge to study puter or other related major further. I hope, today I am proud for school, tomorrow school is proud for me. I apply your school just with this wish. I believe you will never regret for the decision of accepting me.

 My father graduated from teachers college, he taught middle school, now he is establishing a website of baby and children education. He says it will be the biggest website of early language education in China. I benefit a lot from his tolerance, patience and the steadiness to work. My mother graduated from foreign trade college. She is engaging in import and export trade. There are her clients in Africa and Europe, she is a excellent manager. They provide sufficient fund for my middle school and future university education, I will be greatly appreciated them.

 Even though I didn’t took the exam of IELTS and TOEFL, I have been studying English from primary grade one in my spare time, I received the training of the College of International Education, Oxford, England, and was issued certificate of pletion of a General English Language and Cultural Programmed in Aug,2005. In high school, we have one English oral class by foreign teacher every week, I can understand in general. So the listening and spoken English are not very difficult for me.

 I sincerely hope to be one of your students.



 My Chinese name is Huangzhuoqun. My English name is Rose. I’m a girl .I’m twelve years old. I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.

 I’m in Class two Grade six. I’m clever. I’m a good girl. I’m helpful. I often help clas *** ates. My best friend is Caichenglai. He’s nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn each other.

 I like swimming,roller-skating and puter games.

 I swim everyday in the summer holiday. I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.

 I like blue and red .

 I like the blue sky. I like the red auturm .

 There are three people in my family. They are my mother my father and I. My mother is thirty-seven years old. She’s an accountant. She likes to go travelling. My father is thirty-seven years old too. He is a teacher. He likes to read books.









