You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Who should be most responsible for children's education? Give your opinion and reasons for it. You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Sample Answer
It seems to me that there is a clear-cut answer to this question. Although in the early years of a child's life parents are the principal educators, that role is soon assumed very largely by the child's teachers. Even elder brothers and sisters, who may give good advice, can never take the place of teachers in molding a child's mind.
First and foremost, teachers know best in terms of education. They are professional educators, and as such they are better equipped with expertise in teaching. It is in schools, too, that children make friends and learn how to act in a socially responsible manner. Teachers know best how to organize, motivate and discipline their students. Furthermore, as children spend most of their time in schools, teachers have more influence on them than their parents do.
Parents, on the other hand, are mostly either too busy to spend time with their children, or are ignorant of the right way to educate them. This is not to say that parents can shirk (refuse to take) their responsibility for educating their children. Parenting is an important factor that shapes competency and character formation in children. Failure to take such responsibility constitutes delinquency as parents.
Nevertheless, given the professional qualifications of teachers and the time they spend with their students, it is clear that the overwhelming burden of educating children falls upon the shoulders of teachers.
雅思写作的提高不仅需要自己勤加练习,还要多读多看,以下是我给大家整理的雅思写作 范文 及素材:城市化。希望对大家的雅思写作备考有所帮助
雅思写作大 作文 高分范文城市化的影响
These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city.
Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation ( migration from the country to the city) and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed?
Key words analysis
? rural areas: 郊区, 它的相对词是urban areas
? depopulation: 减少居民,后面括号内的内容是岁这个词的解释
? trend: 趋势,和tide, current同义
? reverse: 使倒转
? 这是属于 议论文 中的problem的类型,通常会在要求学生表达对这个问题的看法和给出一些解决方案。
Possible effects :
? 过于拥挤的城市易影响城市的舒适度
? 过于拥挤的城市可能会导致失业率升高
Possible solutions:
? 政府进行商业性的引导
? 加强农村基础建设,提升生活便利性
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
Rural depopulation is a very important issue in many parts of the world today. In this essay, I will discuss some of the main effects of this problem and also offer some possible solutions to it.
Main body 1
Firstly, it is clear that migration away from the country negatively affects life in the city. Serious environmental and social problems often occur when cities become overcrowded. Problems such as air, water and noise pollution are now increasingly common in urban areas around the world because there are simply too many people living there. Pollution can make city life very uncomfortable indeed and can even cause illness. Beijing is a very good example of this. Overcrowding in cities can also lead to high unemployment (especially in poorer parts of the world) and crime.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
In order to prevent people from moving away from the country and reduce the size of cities, I feel we must make country life more attractive. In my view, the best way of doing this would be to improve services in the country. One of the main reasons that so many people have left the country is that facilities like shopping centres, cinemas, swimming pools, restaurants, libraries, schools and hospitals are generally better in the city. If such facilities were available in the country, more people would choose to live there. Another effective solution would be for the government to subsidies businesses and workers who move to the country.
n conclusion, I believe we must all recognise how serious this problem is. For the sake of the environment and our own quality of life it is vital that we preserve rural communities.
Since cities have changed a lot, the size ofthe cities has grown enormously. Discuss thecauses and consequence of the enormous sizeof cities.
Nowadays, the maps of cities are updatedfrequently. With the development of city, more andmore suburbs become parts of the city. When thecities in the world are amplifying constantly, peoplediscuss the topic hotly, the causes andconsequence of the enormous cities. Different people have different answers by theirrespective views.
In my opinion, the evolution of society and the development of economy result in thegrowth of the vast size of cities. Since the number of population in every city is increasingcontinually, people need a large amount of space to live in. With the progress of the technology,the output of crops rises sharply. Fewer and fewer farmers are required, as a result, more andmore villages urbanize. The growth of the cities brings us many huge changes.
There are more job opportunities in the cities. For instance, China will hold the OlympicGames in Beijing in 2008. The government is amplifying the size of Beijing to build new gyms inorder to hold it excellently. Obviously, people in the cities could gain a lot of new jobs.
Of course, the enormous size of cities also has bad effects. Pollution is becoming more andmore serious all over the world with the amplification of the cities. For example, thepoisonous gas sent off by factories and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people tobreathe. Water waste keeps pouring into rivers and lakes; as a result, many water species aredying out. Furthermore, more people the city have, more rubbish we can find.
In a word, since each coin has two sides, we should be acquainted clearly with the reasonswhy the size of the cities has grown enormously and what it will bring us. Thus, we could makefull use of the positive effects and overcome the negative effects.
The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that are suitable and livable for people in those times. What problems will this cause today and what can be done to solve these problems?
主体段 1:可能造成的问题
主体段 2:可以采取的 措施
结尾段: 总结 概括
背景句:Globalization and modernization nowadays have considerably outpaced the construction of new cities,which has brought some adverse impacts on people’s life.
话题介绍:Under pressure, the government needs to identify them to reduce complaints from citizens.
主体段 1
主题句:Commercial development gives a facility to urbanization in some cities where the basic infrastructure does not match the needs of enormous flow of dwellers.
平行列举 1:In some cases, the shortage of transportation means that the road would be blocked by vehicles especially during rush hours. This low efficient traffic can have negative implications on business to some extent.
平行列举 2:Apart from stagnated traffic, there are accommodation issues to be considered. This is because the advances of economy surely require large numbers of migrants. If single-storey constructions without necessary facilities including heating, sewage system and even electricity supply take a dominating place in city, it would be difficult for those workers to dwell comfortably.
主体段 2
主题句:To solve the problems identified above, the most influential factor may be the government who is responsible for modifying the old cities.
平行列举:Perhaps viaducts are needed to accommodate more vehicles and underground traffic systems such as railways or underpass tunnels can serve to ease road traffic dramatically. Persuading estate companies to construct more functional concrete jungles would probably be an effective strategy to mitigate the terrible living or working conditions. It would also help to improve the overlook of city if some districts are demolished for central business areas, public parks or statues.
总结概括 文章 内容。
Overall, the governors play a vital role in city development, and tax payers should have the awareness of maintaining their new cities.
impact on... 对...产生影响
to some extent 在某种程度上
it will/would be difficult for sb to do sth 对某人来讲做某事是有困难的
serve to 服务于
play a vital role in 在某方面发挥巨大作用
Some people think a rise in standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities more than rural areas. What problems may those differences cause? How to solve those problems?
主体段 1:可能造成的问题之一
主体段 2:可能造成的问题之二
背景句:The industrialization and urbanization of a country have massively improved the living standard of its citizens. However, many people assert that the developmental achievements have benefited cities much more than rural areas and a series of problems have arisen.
话题介绍:This essay will discuss the problems and then offer feasible solutions to cope with the situation.
主体段 1
主题句:The imbalance of economic and social progress between rural and urban areas is starkly visible and have triggered a number of problems.
平行列举:First, the highly developed metropolitan areas have occupied the quality resources of education, medical service, finance, commerce and entertainment, providing numerous opportunities in employment and business. As a result, a large number of young rural dwellers crowd into the city to pursue education, hunt jobs and make investments, directly leading to the severe shortage of available labour force and capital in the underdeveloped places. The loss in population and finance would inevitably worsen the overall economic development in rural districts.
主体段 2
由于农村和城市居民的受 教育 程度、职业和收入不同,可能导致农村居民进城务工的时候收到歧视。
主题句:The second problem resides in the aftermath of rural-urban migration.
平行列举:As a multicultural destination, the city holds a huge population with diverse backgrounds in terms of education, profession, income, social class, and even accent. Individuals from underdeveloped places tend to have less professional competence and personal wealth, due to the lack of educational and commercial resources in rural areas. Such discrepancy might trigger discrimination towards the rural residents who struggle their way through the urban jungle. What's worse, the widening wealth gap might even force the poorer ones to commit crimes to obtain more material possession.
Several solutions could be taken into account to improve the situation. The government should help rural residents exploiting local resources, such as natural landscape and specialty products, to develop industries in tourism and commercial trade. Once the industries are on the rise, job opportunities would be generated, along with a growing business revenue and average income. In addition, more workforce and fund should be invested into the education system in rural areas. If rural dwellers could obtain a specific skill or a certain academic qualification, they would be more professionally competent and employable. Furthermore, legislation and regulation are also required to fight against conduct related to discrimination and violence.
living standard 生活水平
a series of 一系列
cope with 处理,解决
labour force 劳动力
Simon 写作观点集:Cities 城市化
1.Reasons for Urbanization 城市化的原因
People move to cities in search of job opportunities
Cities offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living
People migrate to cities from the countryside
Traditional activities like farming need fewer workers nowadays
2.Negatives of City Life 城市生活的缺点
Life in cities has its drawbacks
The cost of living is higher than in rural areas
Some people d not manage to find work
Housing is usually much more expensive
Homelessness and poverty are common on cities
There is a gap between rich and poor
Life in cities can be extremely stressful
There are problems like traffic congestion and crime
Cities lack a sense of community
People do not even know their neighbor
Cities are sometimes described as “concrete jungles”.
3.Pedestrian Areas 人行道
Pedestrian zones in city centre can improve the local environment
Banning cars encourages people to walk or cycle
Many European cities have built bicycle lanes
Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity
People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier
Pedestrian areas are safer and more attractive for both residents and tourists
雅思写作小作文表格题参考 篇1
The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in six different countries over a twenty-year period.
The chart compares the amounts of waste that were produced in six countries in the years 1980, 1990 and 2000.
In each of these years, the US produced more waste than Ireland, Japan, Korea, Poland and Portugal combined. It is also noticeable that Korea was the only country that managed to reduce its waste output by the year 2000.
Between 1980 and 2000, waste production in the US rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and rising trends were also seen in Japan, Poland and Portugal. Japan’s waste output increased from 28 to 53 million tonnes, while Poland and Portugal saw waste totals increase from 4 to 6.6 and from 2 to 5 million tonnes respectively.
The trends for Ireland and Korea were noticeably different from those described above. In Ireland, waste production increased more than eightfold, from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980 to 5 million tonnes in 2000. Korea, by contrast, cut its waste output by 12 million tonnes between 1990 and 2000.
雅思写作小作文表格题参考 篇2话题:
The table below shows changes in the numbers of residents cycling to work in different areas of the UK between 2001 and 2011.
The table compares the numbers of people who cycled to work in twelve areas of the UK in the years 2001 and 2011.
Overall, the number of UK commuters who travelled to work by bicycle rose considerably over the 10-year period. Inner London had by far the highest number of cycling commuters in both years.
In 2001, well over 43 thousand residents of inner London commuted by bicycle, and this figure rose to more than 106 thousand in 2011, an increase of 144%. By contrast, although outer London had the second highest number of cycling commuters in each year, the percentage change, at only 45%, was the lowest of the twelve areas shown in the table.
Brighton and Hove saw the second biggest increase (109%) in the number of residents cycling to work, but Bristol was the UK’s second city in terms of total numbers of cycling commuters, with 8,108 in 2001 and 15,768 in 2011. Figures for the other eight areas were below the 10 thousand mark in both years.
雅思写作考试分为Academic和General Training两类
雅思写作考试包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 2,前一篇150字,后一篇250字。原则上建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟,因为后一篇文章分值更高。
雅思A类写作部分,全部1小时时间,分2大单元(Task 1&Task 2);
(Task 1)通常考题以、表格坐标、曲线图为基本形式,考生根据所给的资料,写出150个字以上的文章来叙述主题,组织并探讨主题,提出比较支持的论点。
雅思G类的(Task 1)考生多以写一封信来应对考题中所给予的模拟状况或问题。
(Task 2)A类与G类非常类似,考生就考题的主题,用250字详加发表意见,通常考生被要求用几种方式之一来做为架构解决问题、表达自己的意见、支持或争辩考题所给予的讯息。
Task 1: Bar chart (动态柱图)2005,2010,2015年某国观看各种体育活动的人数变化。
Task 2: Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think university education should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
Introduction: There are differing views on the focus of university education: on academic study or on employment skills.
Body-1: 讨论大学教育应该教育学生学术性课程
1. 大学的功能之一就是知识的传递和创新。教授学术性课程的过程就是知识传递给下一代的过程,在下一代接受了这些教育之后,也能为未来的创新打下坚实的基础。
2. 学术性课程的学习也助于学生的发展。For example, students learn about how things work through the study of physics, and through the study of history, they learn about how societies and countries were formed and how past events shaped them.
但是,我不同意大学教育应该only focus在学术学习上,因为培养学生的job skills也同样重要。(注意这里有一个转折,明确否定了only, 自然的引出另一个观点)
Body-2: 为什么教授skills for employment也很重要
1. 从社会角度来讲,大学需要为社会培养合格的工作者。比如大学需要为社会培养医生,教师,律师和工程师等等,以满足社会发展的需要,这就要求大学教育要有专业性和应用性,方能满足需求。
2. 从学生角度来讲,大多数人上大学的目的之一就是在毕业后获得好的就业机会。所以教会学生更好的就业技能方能满足学生的需求。如果大学不能帮助学生提升就业能力并找到更好的工作,可能很多人都不会上大学,尤其是在一些学费昂贵的国家。 In conclusion, 学术性学习是大学教育的一部分,但我不同意是唯一的一部分,同时大学教育还应该兼顾培养学生的就业能力。
Some peple beleve that uniersity education shoud focus on the skils of employment of the fure. others think they should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In pesent-day soiet, a greater propotion of students are pursing higher eduction and otainin master's degrees and PhDs. Netheles there 1s gret debate over whether universty students ought to concentrate on larning employment or academic sis,s which wil be frter dscuse. It has been argued that the main ojecive of a uivrst education is to obrain a satsjing and wlpaid ocupation that matches the sillet of the aplicant From this point of view, clleges ought to eucate students based on the needs and requrements of companies in the feles that match the majors of hermore, nivrsities also need to have the ailll to predict ptental future trends in the market and atempt to create a cricium that would enable students to have prosperous long- term crees In this way, unverstites play a huge role in ensuing that students are able to meet the crrent and future needs of enterprises.
On he cntry, academic siis are also esesta in improving students alis and filtatt the cucial sil of being able to learn and pick up new adtion academic abilis enble iduals to achieve success in school which is one of the major ndicators of having a poperous cree. Futhermore,honing academic silss alows students to build confidence in the dassomm which enables them to have greater seft eseem when they enter the workplace.
As a resut, students who are well-equipped with advanced academic sills have abetter foundation and are more wll-prepared in their in al employment and academic sils are both crtial to acomomplishing success in school and the workplace. A fair balance betwen the two would ensure that unvrsiteis produce more wlroundd graduates who could tackle any callnges they face in the future.
多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型 reason(s)why...
E.g:There may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall Iagree that they are overpaid.
文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that...
E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.
A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...)
E.g:The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.
E.g:Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...)
E.g:As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport,it would be very unpopularwith everyone who needs to travel on the roads.
D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...)
E.g:The government will increase its support for public education,provided that such funds canbe put to good use.
E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)
E.g:*While(表示二者对比)some people link happiness to wealth and material success,othersthink it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships.*Even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work,I think it is notunrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.
Character is defined- "the combination of properties & qualities that distinguishes one person or thing from another". Describe my character and how it was shaped by one specific event in my life. Please limit to 250 words.
does my essay below fit the criteria
"It's snowing!" came an exclamation during recess. My fourth grade classmates and I raced to the window of our fifth floor classroom. It was snowing in September. Little white flecks were floating to the ground. Looking at the sky, I noticed that there were no clouds overhead and in the distance there was a large black and grey mass in the distance. As we watched, the flecks grew larger. Then one landed on the deep, cement window ledge and I saw that it was a piece of paper with writing on it, the edges smoldering until all that was left was ash.
The Twin Towers had fallen. We were sent home early that day. A bleak rain of papers continued their melancholy descent throughout the afternoon. The front of our house was littered with office memoranda – little reminders of the havoc left behind and the lives lost that day.
As a fourth grader, this earth shattering event made me realize that life is fragile – it can literally go up in smoke in a moment. In hindsight, I see how this revelation gave me direction in life. It gave me the drive to do well in school and compelled me to take my future into my own hands. It made me realize the world has so much to offer, but if I want it I have to reach out for it.
写好雅思 作文 离不开日积月累,下面我给大家带来雅思写作 范文 素材:advertisement,希望大家喜欢。
? 雅思写作高分范文之是否应禁止 广告 范文
In recent years, more and more advertisements have been flooding into our lives. Some advertisements exert negative effects on the youth. Therefore some people suggest that advertisements be banned. Do you agree or disagree with this? Give your reasons.
Along with the rapid progress of society, the advertising industry has undergone remarkable development. Every day we are surrounded by all kinds of ads and commercials, which have a profound influence on our daily lives. As a result, there arises a fierce debate concerning the proposal that we should ban all kinds of advertisements.
On one hand, some people are in favor of the idea that advertisement should not be banned; instead it should be further developed. They are of the opinion that advertisement is a good channel which helps promote the exchanges of information. In an era of information, everyone can benefit a lot from the advertisements, not only the manufacturers but the customers. Moreover, the advertisement enables people to catch up with the amazing advance in all fields. From the mushrooming advertisements, people get to know some newest products and the trend of consumption. Thirdly, advertising, to some extent, is not only an industry but an art. Many advertisements are elaborate works of art full of ingenuity and originality, which render great spiritual pleasure to the viewers and add to the picturesque cityscape. In a word, the advertisement is a blessing for modern people.
Despite the benefits advertisement has brought us, many people strongly condemn it, saying that they have been fed up with all kinds of rubbish ads. They call for a comprehensive ban on the advertisement based on the following reasons. First of all, a majority of advertisements are fictitious and misleading, causing confusion in people’s daily life and even leading to the injury and death of some customers. Secondly, they bring many inconveniences and troubles to us. For example, are you pleased with a mailbox stuffed with unwanted ads or a wonderful film on TV being interrupted frequently? Furthermore, the non-standard use of language in advertisement brings about irreparable damage to the integrity and purity of our language. Consequently, it will exert a disastrous impact on the literacy of our younger generations. In some people’s eyes, the advertisement is just a Genie out of the bottle.
To be frank, it is quite impossible for people to reach an absolute consensus on most controversial issues. To my mind, a total ban on advertisement is not an ideal and practical choice. How can we imagine all advertisements vanishing overnight? The demerits should by no means make us lose sight of the benefits advertisements have brought to us. A more workable and rational attitude should be adopted; that is, to eliminate the false and retain the true. Always bear in mind the old saying:“never throw away the baby with bath water.”
雅思写作大作文范文之 儿童 观看广告
雅思写作真题范文:There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(有许多针对儿童的广告,如零食、玩具和其他商品。家长们认为孩子们处于压力之下。广告商声称广告提供有用的信息。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点。
As children grow to be the target group of advertisement industry, a range of advertisements aimed at them have been produced, which had caused some controversies in the society.
Those who advocate the spread of advertising targeted at children deem that these advertisements can provide potential customers with a comprehensive understanding of the products advertised, which can help consumers make well-informed buying decisions. Since television advertisements can present goods in a visual and audio way, this can definitely enhance people’s knowledge of the advertised goods, especially some electronic toys or newly-introduced food.
On the other hand, parents are concerned that children are easily attracted by the vivid advertisement from the Internet or television, and because of it, kids will pester their parents to buy the goods advertised. Obviously, children are a group of consumers without the ability to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong. If they are convinced of the benefits of the products from the advertisement, they will not consider the negative aspects or further explore the truth of the advertisement itself.
Besides, peer pressure is another point which needs to be mentioned here. The widespread advertising campaign will make the public overwhelmed by these advertisements, which means there will always be some parents and children purchasing the advertised goods, and therefore, some psychological factor of children may urge a part of them to obtain the products even though they may not need the goods.
Personally, advertisements themselves contain a lot of information which can be quite useful for consumers. If the advertising industry can be well regulated and children being supervised when they are watching the advertisements, there is no need for parents to worry about the side effects by the widespread advertisements.
Television screens, newspapers, buses, andalmost all city streets are flooded by all kinds ofadvertisements. This has both advantages anddisadvantages to consumers who are unavoidablyinfluenced, though the degrees vary from person to person.
Because of the advertisements placed by many competing companies, consumers are ableto learn about certain new products rapidly. If a product happens to be what some consumersneed, they might be attracted to make a purchase and have trial use. If it turns out to bereally good, people would set about recommending it to friends and the sales of this product willgo up very quickly. So, we see this is a win-win situation both to consumers and manufacturersand we also see that consumers are not just influenced profoundly all at once. It takes time forthem to establish faith in the advertised products.
In most cases, the advertised products are good and worth buying. But there are alsocases where the effects or functions of a certain product are much exaggerated and it willdefinitely fool some people when they are attracted all at once and go to buy it. Since a productcan only win the market through its quality and its long established fame, there’s everyreason to believe that those fake or much exaggerated products will eventually lose theirmarket shares and die out. Thus, we see that the market is selective and consumers aresensible in the long term.
In developed countries, there are strict censorship and supervising systems regardingadvertising. If the advertisement put up by a company fails to honor the advertised effects, itwould be termed as fraud, thus violating the law which could lead to really serious result. Inmost cases, the manufacturing company would be fined so heavily that it would be difficult for itto survive any longer.
From the foregoing discussion, we can see that advertisements influence consumers bothfavorably and unfavorably and the degrees of this influence differ from person to person. Toprotect consumers, governments can follow the practice of developed countries by enforcingreally strict censorship and supervising laws in regard to advertising as a whole.
If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人们购买商品是因为需要,广告没有作用,仅仅是娱乐,是否认同?
点评: no more than = only adv 仅仅
1. Nowadays, customers are facing increasing advertisements with the competition of different companies. To what extent do you think customers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect the customers? 现在广告愈来愈多,广告在多大的程度上影响了消费者,如何保护消费者?
2. Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 产品销量的提高反映了广告的作用,不是社会需求,是否认同?
3. Some people believe that advertisements should be banned since they serve no useful purpose and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 广告应不应该被废除?
1. 广告的 教育 性: 公益广告扮演了教育者的角色,例如,希望工程的广告唤醒了人们对偏远地区的失学儿童的关注。
2. 广告的信息性:广告是人们获得信息的 渠道 以及源泉。例如,电视购物广告为人们购买心仪商品提供了便利。
3. 广告的娱乐性:广告是传媒的一种形式,通常具有幽默性,因此,有趣的广告可以博人一笑,增加生活乐趣,例如苹果手机的广告。
1. 非法广告以及虚假广告危害消费者的利益。例如,很多化妆品以及药品广告,充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺,夸大产品的功能,极端情况下,威胁人的健康。
2. 明星代言的广告,诱发消费者购买他们不需要的商品,增加了消费者的经济负担。
3. 很多电视广告令人讨厌,打断精彩的节目。同理,很多人在街头散发广告单,污染环境,浪费行人时间。
1. 政府对于非法广告加强监管。
2. 广告明星增强守法意识,理性代言。
3. 消费者增强自我保护意识,理性消费。
1. advertisement = advertising n 广告
2. TV commercial n 电视广告
3. public-service ads = public –interest ads n 公益广告
4. advertisement campaign n 广告宣传
5. wise consumers = wise buyers n理性的消费者
6. censorship of ads n广告审查
7. wise buying n 理性消费
8. ads produced by super stars n明星做的广告
9. makeup ads n化妆品广告
10. medicine ads n药品广告
1. Under no circumstances can we uunderestimate the indispensable roles of ads
in our lives.我们不能忽视广告在生活中的作用。
2. witty slogan 智慧的宣传语
3. eye-catching pictures n 精美的
4. exert a subtle influence on v对于 …… 有微妙的影响
5. …… play the role of educator v 扮演教育者的角色
6. …… is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉
7. …… bring huge convenience to consumers v 给消费者带来便利
8. …… serve the function of entertainment v 有娱乐功能
9. promote the sales of the relevant products v 提高相关产品的销量
10. …… is a kind of indispensable industry that create a number of job opportunities and promote the prosperity of relevant industries such as …… 是不可缺少的产业,可以解决就业以及促进相关产业的繁荣例如……
1. However, we can never ignore the negative influence induced by advertisement campaign. 然而,我们不能忽视由于广告引起的弊端。
2. Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers 很多的广告公司会雇佣歌手以及明星代言商品。
3. fake and illegal ads n虚假的非法的广告
4. …… are full of flowery phrases and empty promises …… 充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺。
5. buy goods without consideration = purchase goods impulsively v冲动购物
6. endanger the consumers’ interests v 威胁到消费者的利益
7. impose much pressure upon consumers economically v 增加消费者的经济负担。
8. consumers are affected by = consumers are influenced by = consumers are swayed by …… v消费者被…… 影响
9. poorly educated children in the remote rural areas n偏远农村地区的文盲儿童
点评:illiterate = poorly educated adj 没有受到良好教育的。
10. irrational buyers = unwise buyers n非理性的消费者
1. strengthen the censorship of counterfeited or illicit ads v 加强对于非法广告和虚假广告的审查力度
2. Consumers could be away from those detrimental ads. 消费者可以远离有害广告的影响。
3. Ads stars enhance their lawful awareness and assume more social responsibilities 广告明星应该增强守法意识以及承担更多的社会责任
4. foster rational consumption habit v培养理性的消费习惯
5. collect some information of other consumers before buying a product v 在买商品前收集一些信息
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