4.**《吻我》 弗瑞达是谁演的
英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman
英文名:Ingrid Bergman
- 1978 - Autumn Sonata - 秋天奏鸣曲
- 1976 - Matter of Time, A - 花开花落
- 1974 - Murder on the Orient Express - 东方快车谋杀案
- 1973 - From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - 巴兹尔弗兰维勒太太的混乱档案
- 1970 - Walk in the Spring Rain - 春雨中行
- 1969 - Cactus Flower - 仙人掌花
- 1967 - Stimulantia - 刺激
- 1965 - Love Goddesses, The -
- 1965 - Yellow Rolls-Royce, The - **香车
- 1964 - Visit, The - 贵妇怨
- 1961 - Goodbye Again - 何日君再来
- 1958 - Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The - 六福客栈
- 1958 - Indiscreet - 轻举妄动
- 1956 - Anastasia - 真假公主
- 1956 - Elena and Her Men - 多情公主
- 1954 - Joan at the Stake - 火刑柱上的圣女贞德
- 1954 - Fear - 恐惧
- 1953 - We, the Women - 我们女人
- 1953 - Viaggio in Italia - 游览意大利
- 1951 - Greatest Love, The - 一九五一年的欧洲
- 1949 - Stromboli - 斯特隆波里岛
- 1949 - Under Capricorn - 摩羯星光下
- 1948 - Joan of Arc - 圣女贞德
- 1948 - Arch of Triumph - 凯旋门
- 1946 - Notorious - 美人计
- 1945 - Saratoga Trunk - 风尘双侠
- 1945 - Bells of St. Mary's, The - 圣玛丽亚的钟声
- 1945 - Spellbound - 爱德华大夫
- 1944 - Gaslight - 煤气灯下
- 1943 - Swedes in America - 瑞典人在美国
- 1943 - For Whom the Bell Tolls - 战地钟声
- 1942 - Casablanca - 卡萨布兰卡
- 1941 - Adam Had Four Sons - 亚当有四个儿子
- 1941 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 化身博士
- 1941 - Rage in Heaven - 天堂怒火
- 1940 - June Night - 六月的一夜
- 1939 - Intermezzo - 插曲
- 1939 - Only One Night - 仅仅一夜
- 1938 - Woman's Face, A - 女人的面孔
- 1938 - Four Companions, - 四个女伴
- 1938 - Dollar - 金元
- 1936 - On the Sunny Side - 太阳那边
- 1935 - Walpurgis Night - 圣约翰之夜
- 1935 - Surf, The - 暗礁
- 1935 - Count of the Old Monk's Bridge, The - 门克桥的伯爵
- 1932 - Landskamp -
但是稍微查一下就知道, 查尔斯·斯科特·谢灵顿(Charles Scott Sherrington)的身世和家庭像这个故事说得那样吗?看看就知道:
Sir Charles Sherrington
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1932
Charles Scott Sherrington was born on November 27, 1857, at Islington, London. He was the son of James Norton Sherrington, of Caister, Great Yarmouth, who died when Sherrington was a young child. Sherrington's mother later married Dr. Caleb Rose of Ipswich, a good classical scholar and a noted archaeologist, whose interest in the English artists of the Norwich School no doubt gave Sherrington the interest in art that he retained throughout his life.
In 1876 Sherrington began medical studies at St. Thomas's Hospital and in 1878 passed the primary examination of the Royal College of Surgeons, and a year later the primary examination for the Fellowship of that College. After a short stay at Edinburgh he went, in 1879, to Cambridge as a noncollegiate student studying physiology under Michael Foster, and in 1880 entered Gonville and Caius College there.
In 1881 he attended a medical congress in London at which Sir Michael Foster discussed the work of Sir Charles Bell and others on the experimental study of the functions of nerves that was then being done in England and elsewhere in Europe. At this congress controversy arose about the effects of excisions of parts of the cortex of the brains of dogs and monkeys done by Ferrier and Goltz of Strasbourg. Subsequently, Sherrington worked on this problem in Cambridge with Langley, and with him published, in 1884, a paper on it. In this manner Sherrington was introduced to the neurological work to which he afterwards devoted his life.
In 1883 Sherrington became Demonstrator of Anatomy at Cambridge under Professor Sir George Humphrey, and during the winter session of 1883-1884 at St. Thomas's Hospital he demonstrated histology.
The years 1884 and 1885 were eventful ones for Sherrington, for during the winter of 1884-1885 he worked with Goltz at Strasbourg, in 1884 he obtained his M.R.C.S., and in 1885 a First Class in the Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge with distinction. During this year he published a paper of his own on the subject of Goltz's dogs. In 1885 he also took his M.B. degree at Cambridge and in 1886 his L.R.C.P.
In 1885 Sherrington went, as a member of a Committee of the Association for Research in Medicine, to Spain to study an outbreak of cholera, and in 1886 he visited the Venice district also to investigate the same disease, the material then obtained being examined in Berlin under the supervision of Virchow, who later sent Sherrington to Robert Koch for a six weeks' course in technique. Sherrington stayed with Koch to do research in bacteriology for a year, and in 1887 he was appointed Lecturer in Systematic Physiology at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, and also was elected a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. In 1891 he was appointed in succession to Sir Victor Horsley, Professor and Superintendent of the Brown Institute for Advanced Physiological and Pathological Research in London. In 1895 he became Professor of Physiology at the University of Liverpool.
During his earlier years in Cambridge, Sherrington, influenced by W. H. Gaskell and by the Spanish neurologist, Ramón y Cajal, whom he had met during his visit to Spain, took up the study of the spinal cord. By 1891 his mind had turned to the problems of spinal reflexes, which were being much discussed at that time, and Sherrington published several papers on this subject and, during 1892-1894, others on the efferent nerve supply of muscles. Later, from 1893-1897, he studied the distribution of the segmented skin fields, and made the important discovery that about one-third of the nerve fibres in a nerve supplying a muscle are efferent, the remainder being motor.
At Liverpool he returned to his earlier study of the problem of the innervation of antagonistic muscles and showed that reflex inhibition played an important part in this. In addition to this, however, he was studying the connection between the brain and the spinal cord by way of the pyramidal tract, and he was at this time visited by the American surgeon Harvey Cushing, then a young man, who stayed with him for eight months.
In 1906 he published his well-known book: The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, being his Silliman Lectures held at Yale University the previous year, and in 1913 he was invited to become Waynfleet Professor of Physiology at Oxford, a post for which he had unsuccessfully applied in 1895, and here he remained until his retirement in 1936. Here he wrote, and published in 1919, his classic book entitled Mammalian Physiology: a Course of Practical Exercises, and here he regularly taught the students for whom this book was written.
In physique Sherrington was a well-built, but not very tall man with a strong constitution which enabled him to carry out prolonged researches.
During the First World War, as Chairman of the Industrial Fatigue Board, he worked for a time in a shell factory at Birmingham, and the daily shift of 13 hours, with a Sunday shift of 9 hours, did not, at the age of 57, tire him. From his early years he was short-sighted, but he often worked without spectacles.
The predominant notes of his character as a man were his humility and friendliness and the generosity with which he gave to others his advice and valuable time. An interesting feature of him is that he published, in 1925, a book of verse entitled The Assaying of Brabantius and other Verse, which caused one reviewer to hope that ?Miss Sherrington? would publish more verse. He was also sensitive to the music of prose, and this and the poet in him, but also the biologist and philosopher, were evident in his Rede Lecture at Cambridge in 1933 on The Brain and its Mechanism, in which he denied our scientific right to join mental with physiological experience.
The philosopher in him ultimately found expression in his great book, Man on his Nature, which was the published title of the Gifford Lectures for 1937-1938, which Sherrington gave. As is well known, this book, published in 1940, centres round the life and views of the 16th century French physician Jean Fernel and round Sherrington's own views. In 1946 Sherrington published another volume entitled The Endeavour of Jean Fernel.
Sherrington was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1893, where he gave the Croonian Lecture in 1897, and was awarded the Royal Medal in 1905 and the Copley Medal in 1927. In 1922 the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire and in 1924 the Order of Merit were conferred upon him. He held honorary doctorates of the Universities of Oxford, London, Sheffield, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Wales, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paris, Strasbourg, Louvain, Uppsala, Lyons, Budapest, Athens, Brussels, Berne, Toronto, Montreal, and Harvard.
As a boy and a young man Sherrington was a notable athlete both at Queen Elizabeth's School, Ipswich, where he went in 1871, and later at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, for which College he rowed and played rugby football; he was also a pioneer of winter sports at Grindelwald.
In 1892 Sherrington married Ethel Mary, daughter of John Ely Wright, of Preston Manor, Suffolk. After some years of frail health, during which, however, he remained mentally very alert, he died suddenly of heart failure at Eastbourne in 1952.
Early years and education
Charles Scott Sherrington was born in Islington, London, England on 27 November 1857. Although official biographies claimed that he was the son of James Norton Sherrington, a country doctor, and his wife Anne Brookes, née Thurtell, Charles and his brothers, William and George, were in fact almost certainly the illegitimate sons of Anne Brookes Sherrington and Caleb Rose, an eminent Ipswich surgeon. Caleb's father, Caleb Burrell Rose, was indeed a country doctor (in Swaffham, Norfolk) and was also a well-known amateur geologist who published the first geological study of Norfolk. James Norton Sherrington, Anne Thurtell's first husband, was an ironmonger and artist's colourman in Great Yarmouth, not a doctor, and died in Yarmouth in 1848, nearly 9 years before Charles was born. The births of the three Sherrington boys do not appear to have been officially registered and their baptism records have not yet been identified, but in the 1861 census the elder two were listed in the household of their mother, Anne Sherrington (widow) at 14 College Terrace, Islington, identified as Charles Scott (boarder, 4, born India) and William Stainton (boarder, 2, born Liverpool), while Caleb Rose was listed a visitor and his 11-year-old son Edward Rose was also described as a boarder. On the night of the census Anne Sherrington must have been 4? months pregnant with her third son, George, who was born in August 1861. During the 1860s the whole family moved to Anglesea Road, Ipswich, reputedly because London exacerbated Caleb Rose's tendency to asthma, and appeared in the census there in 1871, but Caleb and Anne were not actually married until the last quarter of 1880, following the death of Caleb's first wife, Isabella, in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 1 October 1880.
Caleb Rose was noteworthy as both a classical scholar and an archaeologist. At the family's Edgehill House in Ipswich one could find a fine selection of paintings, books, and geological specimens. Through Rose's interest in the English artists of the Norwich School, Sherrington gained a love of art. Intellectuals frequented the house regularly. It was this environment that fostered Sherrington's academic sense of wonder. Even before matriculation, the young Sherrington had read Johannes Müller's Elements of Physiology. The book was given to Sherrington by Caleb Rose.
Sherrington entered Ipswich School in 1871.Thomas Ashe, a famous English poet, worked at the school. Ashe served as an inspiration to Sherrington, the former instilling a love of classics and a desire to travel in the latter.
Rose had pushed Sherrington towards medicine. Sherrington first began to study with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Sherrington also sought to study at Cambridge, but a bank failure had devastated the family's finances. Sherrington elected to enroll at St Thomas' Hospital in September 1876 as a "perpetual pupil".He did so in order to allow his two younger brothers to do so ahead of him. The two studied law there. Medical studies at St. Thomas's Hospital were intertwined with studies at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.Physiology was Sherrington's chosen major at Cambridge. There, he studied under the "father of British physiology," Sir Michael Foster.
Sherrington played football for his grammar school, and for Ipswich Town Football Club, rugby St. Thomas's, was on the rowing team at Oxford. During June 1875, Sherrington passed his preliminary examination in general education at the Royal College. This preliminary exam was required for Fellowship, and also exempted him from a similar exam for the Membership. In April 1878, he passed his Primary Examination for the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons, and 12 months later the Primary for Fellowship.
In October 1879, Sherrington entered Cambridge as a non-collegiate student. The following year he entered Gonville and Caius College. Sherrington was quite the student. Walter Holbrook Gaskell, one of Sherrington's tutors, informed him in November 1881 that he had earned the highest marks for his year in botany, human anatomy, and physiology; second in zoology; and highest overall. John Newport Langley was Sherrington's other tutor. The two were interested in how anatomical structure is expressed in physiological function.
Sherrington earned his Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons on 4 August 1884. In 1885, he obtained a First Class in the National Science Tripos with the mark of distinction. In the same year, Sherrington earned the degree of M.B., Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Cambridge. In 1886, Sherrington added the title of L.R.C.P., Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians.
利: 1、出去几年,首先,你可以领略国外的优美风光并开阔了眼界,而且在国外生活工作几年之后你可能就有了西方国家那种先进的思想理念,这种理念的意义毫无疑问会对你的生活和工作有很深远的影响。
**《吻我》 弗瑞达是谁演的
**《吻我》 弗瑞达是Liv Mj?nes 饰演的。
全名 Liv Anna Mjones
星座: 处女座
出生日期: 1979-09-18
出生地: 瑞典,斯德哥尔摩
职业: 演员
1979 年 9 月 18 日生于瑞典的Kista,(瑞典的Kista是大学科技园之翘楚。Kista位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩和阿兰德国际机场之间,距斯德哥尔摩11公里,欧洲干道E18和E4的交汇点,是世界上规模仅次于美国硅谷的高科技园区。)是瑞典的女演员。她在西雅图长大,2006 年在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的戏剧学校毕业。.
歌名:《Big Big World》
填词:艾密莉亚·怀得堡,Lasse Anderson
谱曲:艾密莉亚·怀得堡,Lasse Anderson
(副歌 x2)?
I'm a big big girl? In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel? that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much? I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice? It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside? I'm a big big girl
In a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel? that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much? Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes?
Why did it have to happen? Why did it all have to end
I'm a big big girl? In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel? that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much? I have your arms around me warm like fire
But when I open my eyes You're gone
I'm a big big girl? In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel? that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much? I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do feel that will miss you much? Miss you much
《Big Big World》是一首1998年的民谣歌曲,由来自瑞典的艾密莉亚·怀得堡(Emilia?Rydberg)演唱,拉塞·安德森参与编写。曲风伤感,风靡一时,于1998年年底发布。这首歌一炮打响,在欧洲达到了第一名,在许多国家成名,但在美国表现不佳,它仍然在公告牌百强单曲榜底峰。
艾密莉亚·怀得堡(Emilia Rydberg),1978年1月5日出生于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,定居于美国纽约市。歌手。
10岁时她便进入了斯德哥尔摩的音乐学校就读。18岁时,她便开始了自己风格独特的词曲创作。作品有《Big Big World》等。
39岁的Emilia是来自瑞典的漂亮姑娘,全家现定居于美国纽约市。父亲是埃塞俄比亚籍歌手德森奥美·密特古(Teshome Mitiku),他对Emilia 的音乐影响是不言而喻的,母亲是瑞典人。
10岁时她便进入了斯德哥尔摩的音乐学校就读, 潜心古典课程,在学校期间 Emilia自组乐团演唱灵魂乐。18岁时,她便开始了自己风格独特的词曲创作, 从一个小姑娘的视角和观念出发,记述豆蔻年华的女孩敏感、自信、迷惑的种种的不服输, 她的声音更是灵性毕现又不乏童真。因为乐坛这种小姑娘的情调早已很鲜有,所以Emilia就显得格外吸引人。