

my office留学机构,留学office是什么意思

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my office留学机构,留学office是什么意思

对于my office留学机构的问题,我有一些了解和研究,也可以向您推荐一些专业资料和研究成果。希望这对您有所帮助。



my office留学机构,留学office是什么意思



- 你读的加拿大安大略12年纪高中课程应该是预科吧,安省的学制与魁省不同,魁省好像是初中、高中、预科各2年。每学期修多少学分就真的很难讲了,看你学习能力怎样吧。去了再说吧,看看自己的适应能力怎么样。英语好的话,很快就没问题了。

- 留学生一开始听不懂课很正常。你去的学校应该有入学测试之类的考试吧,英语不好的话可能要先读读ESL课。否则,让你上物理化学这些课,你也很难跟上进度。其实最关键就是一些理工科专用的term,比如,中文都理解,碰到英文就莫名其妙了。

- 加拿大一般来说都很安全,法律很健全。其实主要看你的朋友圈子,如果都是守规矩的,麻烦也不会惹到你身上来。合租也要选好的室友,最好是比较了解的人。房租:你去的那里我知道,合租House应该$200-400/间,电费冬天100/人,夏天50/人应该够了。

- 宿舍一般有微波炉,煮方便面应该没问题。炒菜肯定是禁止的,除非有专用的厨房,油烟很容易触发报警器。我们很少去餐馆宵夜,一般煮方便面吃。寄宿学校一般是有宵夜的,点心之类的吧。

- 很薄的羊毛衫就够了,冬天外面套上羽绒服。家人当时还让我带了毛裤,汗,早丢了。说实话,衣服鞋子也不用从国内买,加拿大的高档服装比国内便宜几倍。意大利羊毛衫$50就可以买到,保证纯羊毛。上星期买双耐克,才花了$45,质量相当不错。也就加拿大普通人2-3个小时的工资,中国普通人2-3天的工资都未必这样的购买力。

- 不用,法语根本没用。除了魁北克,没人说法语。

- 介个不太清楚,不行吧。

- 中国驾照转国际驾照要翻译和公证,有效期好像有几个月吧。加拿大考驾照每个省应该不同,理论与路考都要过,学车加考试$500之内应该差不多吧。美国的汽车价格比加拿大还要低,越高档的车,差价就越大,但海关很麻烦。二手车是很便宜,最好请行家帮你选。很多车行改公里数。猫腻也不少。

- 机票越早订越便宜。。。






 Nationality:China (Mainland)

 Current Place:Tianhe

 Height/Weight:157 cm 50 kg

 Marital Status:Single

 Age:31 years

 Career Objective

 Application type:Jobseeker

 Preferred job title:Accountant: accounting 、

 Working life:5Title:Senior title

 Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a month

 Expected salary:¥3500~¥5499Preferred working place:Tianhe Yuexiu

 Work experience

 Company's name:WATTONE CONSULTING &SERVICES CHINA LTD.Begin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-08

 Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports

 Job Title: Accounting

 Job description: Routine

 1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period

 Business communication with foreign customers

 Reasons for leaving: Self-improvement

 Company's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An Zhi Li Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-06

 Enterprise nature:Industry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes

 Job Title: Accountant

 Job description: Routine

 1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period

 2.Accounting of inventory, including procurement of materials, goods into the sales;

 3 monthly provision for depreciation of fixed assets;

 4. Accounting wages, wage rates calculation of social insurance, employee benefits, education funds andunionfunds;

 5.Clean up the current accounts, including receivables, payables, and is responsible for the reconciliation of accounts receivable, clearing;

 6. Accounting, carry-over costs;

 7.Calculate the tax declaration to pay on time;

 8.Profits. The end of carry-over of reckoning;

 9.Preparation of accounting statements, do the financial analysis


 1 internally to employees to Information external to go to the Inland Revenue Department tax.

 (2) to deal with the accounts: do vouchers, registration books, summary of the certificate, registration ledger.

 Reasons for leaving: Get married

 Company's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Magnetic Power GroupBegin and end date: 20xx-01-20xx-10

 Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Other Industries

 Job Title: Finance/Accounting Assistant

 Job description: 1, responsible for daily financial cashier of the company division, including cash bank inflow, outflow, income, payment matters;

 Reasons for leaving: to do accounting

 Company's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Kim Young Metal Plating Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-04-20xx-12

 Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes

 Job Title: Cashier

 Job description: (A) the balance of payments and records of the monetary funds

 Cashier monetary funds management includes two aspects: First, the processing of daily currency receipt and expenditure of funds business; accounts of accounting for the balance of payments business.

 Specifically, this work include the following six areas:

 (1) do a cash basis accounting

 Auditors audit signature of proof of payment in strict accordance with the provisions of the cash management system, review and handle collections and payments.

 (2) do the bank deposits of cash basis accounting

 Reasons for leaving: to do Finance/Accounting Assistant

 Company's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An town Hong Chun Textile Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-04

 Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes

 Job Title: Statistician

 Job description: Statistical work duties:

 1, and resolutely obey the command of superiors, conscientiously perform their work orders;

 2, in strict compliance with company rules and regulations, to conscientiously fulfill their duties;

 Reasons for leaving: to do Cashier

 Educational Background

 Name of School:shunde polytechnic

 Highest Degree:Associate

 Date of Graduation:20xx-01-01

 Name of Major 1:accountingName of Major 2:

 Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No

 20xx-0320xx-01shunde polytechniceconomygraduation certificate10831520xx06000564

 Language Ability

 Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good

 Language ability:Have a good command of both spoken and written English

 Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:perfect

 Relevant skills and abilities

 I have strong organizational ability, good resource analysis, and full use of all resources, there is a strong independence, strong analytical skills, able to adapt to the fast-paced, with strong experience and practical ability, able to workindependently.

 Self-recommendation letter

 I am cheerful and lively, like to make friends, and good at communicating with others, friends, have good interpersonal skills

 Seriously study and work, careful, pragmatic, responsible, motivated, and more patience in dealing with people.



 Event Team Manager of Innovation Society

 Responsible for organizing the Society's 2008-2009 social programme ; managed team to meet strict deadline and goals,managed events with in budget and preparatioin,recruited membership through Fresher's Fair,liaise with Studentsunionand departments across the college.

 Volunteer of the YOUNG VOLUNTEER in Guangzhou,P.R.CHINA

 Organised to visit the children in orphanage who has speaking difficulties and mental handicap and soci activities with elderly and people who have Hansen's disease and moving difficulties;responsible for planning routes,appointment booking,scheduling activities.


 Technical Skills

 My degree course is both technically demanding and rewarding,involving high levels of training in numeracy computing and engineering skills. My third year project, Flowsheeting,was to design a chemical plant to meet specific requirements,which involved considerations of a whole range of issues,such as separation processes economic potential and environmental considerations .I have dealt with huge quantity of data and have managed to turn them into meaningful information in the project. The project also provides me a considerable experience of using professional software to solve problems.

 Comunication Skills:

 Through all academic projects, I have developed strong communication skills and enjoyed working with people with diverse backgrounds. In additon,I am a good listener in a team and I am able to coordinate all the arguments to produce constructive decision. In my spare time, I have taken a part-time job in the studentunionshop in Imperial College London and my interpersonal skills are further improved.

 Organisational Skills

 Currently as a fourth year undergraduate student, I have a demanding schedule of elective lectures coursework ,job hunting and part-time job. Under such tremendous pressure, I am well-organized and manage to excel in all the different tasks. In addition, I love travelling in Europe and all the previous trip were planned properly by myself.

 Information Technology

 I am a frequent user of two operation systems,Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. During my academic years, I have been extensively trained to perform technical modeling and data analysis with professional softwares such as Maple, Matlab and Aspen. Moreover , I am very familiar with the commercial software package Microsoft Office and I am proficient in using the advanced model drawing software , Solid Works.

 Language Skills

 I am fluent in English and I am a native speaker of Chinese, including Mandarin,Cantonese and Taiwanese. In addition, I have mastered junior-level Japanese in both conversation as well as writing, and I am currently taking courses to improve it.



 1987 to Present

 Human Service Relief Worker:Temporary Resources,Columbus,IN

 Work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the Stafford School for the Deaf.

 1984 to 1986

 Residential Manager:Allied Group Homes,Columbus,IN

 Worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.Taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.Provided emotional support to clients.Interacted with clients families.Implemented behavioral programs.

 1982 to 1983

 Residential Counselor:Harrison House,Mooresville,IN

 Staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.Implemented behavioral programs.Taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration.

 1981 to 1982

 Nurses Aide:Center Street Nursing Home,Franklin,IN


 Mental Health Assistant:Bethany School,Bethany,IN


 Employment Counselor:Job Plus,Franklin,IN

 Interviewed and counseled clients for the purpose of placement in jobs or training programs.Made referrals for employment or training programs.

 1978 Social Worker:State of Indiana-Division of Child Welfare

 1972 to 1977 Social Worker:State of Indiana


 1975 to Present Franklin College

 Graduate-level courses in psychology,education,and counseling

 1971 Bachelor of Arts in Social Science

 Job descriptions are clear and to the point.

 Use of bold type calls attention to key information.


本科申请:GPA成绩:3.0以上。语言成绩与SAT标准化考试,每所美国大学要求的标准化考试成绩不尽相同。前35的学校托福一般最低要求100,36-50学校一般要求,托福90以上,也有个别学校托福最低要求80。 申请材料:1. 标准化考试SAT或者ACT成绩 2.语言成绩 3.高中成绩单4.高中毕业证 5.推荐信 6.文书 7.活动

研究生申请:GPA成绩:3.0以上语言成绩:托福80+ 雅思6.5+,无语言可申请双录取/预科。GMAT成绩:650分以上(商科及管理类专业需要提供)GRE成绩:310分以上(法律专业除外),背景实力提高名校录取率:是否有获奖经历、名企实习经历、海外背景提升课程等。 申请材料:中英文在读证明(大四在读)语言成绩:托福80+ 雅思6.5+,无语言可申请双录取/预科。2. 中英文毕业证、学位证GRE成绩:310分以上(法律专业除外)。3. 中英文大学成绩单(成绩越高越能申请好的学校)。4. TOEFL,IELTS,GRE,GMAT成绩。5. 推荐信。6. 个人陈述或Essay。









 Post Office Box 2418

 Branch 28-5

 Post Code 100081

 Beijing, P.R.C.

 November 12, 1997

 The Registrar of Admission

 The Graduate School of

 the Pennsylvania State University

 U.S.A. 16802

 Dear Sir:

 I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of MechanicalEngineering, and plan to apply for admission for the fall of 1998. My GPA in the university was 3.5, and I plan to take TOEFL and GRE in October and December, 1997, respectively.

 Please send catalog and application forms to me. I shall be greatly appreciated.

 Very truly yours,

 Wang Yang


 Department of Applied Physics

 Tsinghua University, 100084

 Beijing, China

 Sept. 11th, 1999

 RE: Applying for Admittance

 Office of Graduate Admissions

 Boston University

 Massachusetts, U.S.A.

 Dear Sir,

 I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

 My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Tsinghua University(China). Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my BS degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the instructions of first?class professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

 I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, a detailed introduction to the School of Physics, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.

 I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

 Sincerely yours,

 Li Jin


 English College

 Beijing Foreign Language University

 Beijing 100083

 P.R. China

 June 16, 1999

 Office of Admission

 Huntington University

 Dear Sir,

 Thank you for your letter and the application forms. Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks (80 dollars) for the application fee and the first month?s rent for dormitory. The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college for the spring semester of 1998. I am most anxious to hear from you soon.

 Sincerely yours,

 Zhao Pengfei


 Department of Finance and Econmics

 Shanghai Jiaotong University

 Shanghai 200043

 May 1, 1999

 Graduate School

 Oxford University


 Dear Sir:

 Thank you for your email and kind offer! Definitely, I would like to try to apply for a visa for the winter quarter. I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts.

 As it is true that nobody really knows why the visa officers refuse certain applicants and allow others, I have been told by several successful visa reapplicants that reapplying with a new I?20 with a slightly different offer from the US schools would help. For example, a slight increase in financial aid and so on. I don't know whether this is something possible for you to consider for my situation. But I would really appreciate if you could consider some possibilities. I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. I will simply try my best to get my visa and come to your school.


 Sincerely yours,

 Liu Liping


 Department of Electronics

 Tianjing University

 Tianjing 300005


 April 3, 1998

 Graduate School

 University of Alberta

 Edmonton, Alberta


 Dear Sir,

 Enclosed is my completed application form. I have also requested all my credenti? als to be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly. I would like to assure you of my deep intention to attend your Undergraduate School of Business Administration for the spring semester of 1989. I sincerely hope that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.

 Sincerely yours,

 Feng Jiming


 Communication Department

 Fudan University

 Shanghai 200056


 March 23, 2001

 Graduate School

 University of Toronto

 Toronto, Ontario

 Dear Sir,

 I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students. However, I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $25 admission/evaluation fee before.

 Would you please tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent to me by mistake?

 Thanks for your assistance.

 Yours sincerely,

 Luan Jinfu


 Department of Computer

 Beijing University

 Beijing 100087

 P.R. China

 1st May, 2000

 Office of Admission

 University of Auckland

 Private Bag Auckland

 New Zealand

 Dear Sir,

 I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Beijing University in June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.

 I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.

 Sincerely yours,

 Wang Feng


 Department of Applied Mathematics

 Wuhan University

 Wuhan 430000

 P.R. China

 March 16, 1999

 Office of Foreign Admission

 University of Waterloo

 Waterloo, Ontario


 Dear Admission Officer:

 I am ×××, the Chinese applicant who desires to pursue my Ph.D. study in your honored program.

 I am very sorry to inform you that I presently cannot afford the application fee you demand because of the following reasons:

 1?The high foreign currency exchange rate, US$1 = 8.9 RMB;

 2.My relative low monthly income, about 200 RMB (equal to only $22);

 3.The extremely strict limitation in China to obtain foreign currency, esp. U.S. Dollar in near future. According to current foreign currency regulation, only citizens who get visa can have at most $2,000 exchanged.

 I got excellent scores on TOEFL (63/62/67, total: 640, May, 1998) and GRE (V: 700, Q: 800, A: 800, total: 2,300, Nov. 5th, 1998). My graduate GPA is 3.7. I sincerely hope you can consider my situation and review my application first.

 Thanks a lot. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

 Yours truly,

 Fang Lin


 Department of Chemical Engineering

 Tsinghua University

 Beijing 100084


 Jan. 6, 1994

 Office of Foreign Admission

 University of Birmingham

 P.O. Box 363

 Birmingham B152TT


 Dear Sir:

 I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your institution. My desired date of entrance is fall, 1994. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.

 If possible, I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursuing graduate study.

 I obtained my B. E. (Chemical Engineering) in 1989 and M. S. (Chemical Engineering) in 1992 from Tsinghua University. At present, I work as a teacher at the same university.

 I have taken the TOEFL and received a score of 607. I am going to take GRE this coming October.

 Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support? Thank you very much.

 Sincerely yours,

 Henry Yu



I was lucky in the fact that I picked chemical engineering and it turned out to be the right choice for me. However, my first semester at college was a rude shock - being away from home for the first time, being in a relatively male-dominated field

I started in a test lab for airplanes, where I got to break things. That is called static and fatigue testing. Then I went into design for airplanes. I worked on all areas of commercial planes including the floors and windows. . I am most proud of my testing projects


When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptor Auguste Rodin answered, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don''t need.” For me, life is just a block of marble---whether the marble can be turned into a remarkable statue depends on your natural talents, diligence and a sense of duty. During over four years’ my college life, I have been dreaming of being a perfect female researcher so that I can enhance more young girls’ confidence in scientific research and encourage them to promote the development of science as men do.


“Life is just like the ocean----whatever choice you make as a steersman, you must be well aware of your favorite, namely, which is worthy of pursuing in your whole lifetime!”

Since I was admitted into ××× university three years ago, these words, just like a bright lamp, have been lightening my future and leading the way to my favorite career--- the studies of educational technology.


1、 美国留学个人陈述开头引入家庭背景

My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker. During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father''s office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments. This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father i.e. risk and return are proportionate. In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed. But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk. This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father i.e. diversification reduces risk. While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business Administration.

2、 引入特殊事件,阐述兴趣的起源

As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away and it was very painful for her to walk. I found it fascinating that engineers, orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these artificial joints that completely transform people''s lives by giving them back pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which I wanted to learn more.




 What date did you start this job(工作开始日期),What is your annual income?(年收入)

 目前家庭住址:中文填写,例如: P.R.CHINA 中国山东省济南市舜玉花园15,邮政编码:250002 Tel No.(电话):86-531-.234567 Fax No.(传真):86-531-2612707 如果你有其他固定居住地址,请提供地址信息,格式同上。



 Fullname of spouse(配偶全名)

 Date of birth(出生日期)

 Nationality of spouse(配偶国籍)

 Where is your spouse now?(配偶目前所在地)

 Where is your spouse normally resident?(配偶常住地点)


 Please give their ages:(请填写他们的年龄)


 No(没有), Yes(有)

 If yes, please give dates and places of application:如果有,请说明申请时间、地点 你以前到过英国吗?

 No(没有), Yes(有) If yes, please give dates and lengths of each stay:如果有,请说明日期和停留时间




 Residence Permit No.(身份证/儿童证号码)

 Date of issue(签发日期)

 Valid until(有效期至)

 你希望在英国停留多久?根据你的学习计划填写。如"4 YEARS AND 4 MONTHS"




 from your own resources(自备资金),父母提供的留学费用或自筹费用。

 from other sources(其他来源),政府资助、奖学金、助学金等




 Fullname of sponsor/contact address/hotel(在英国的联系人地址/酒店地址)学生填入学通知书签发人名字和学校名称,看望子女的家长填子女名字和学校名称。

 Nationality of sponsor(联系人国籍) Address(地址),Telephone number (电话),按照入学通知书上的学校地址填写Resident in UK since(联系人开始居留英国的日期),学生不用填,看望子女的家长填子女抵英时间Occupation(职位)按照入学通知书上的签发人职位填写Relationship to you(和你的关系),学生填"TUTOR",看望子女的家长填"MY SON"或"MY DAUGHTER"





 请写出留学的英国院校的名称和地址,例如:University of Registered Office ParkSquare Luton Bedlfordshire LUI3JU England



 谁为你支付学费?一般情况下填"MY PARENTS"

 你每周正式课程有多少个学时?根据学校有关资料上的说明填写。公立学校一般在15-20个小时,例如:19 HOURS, FULL TIME私立学校一般在30个小时以上,例如:30 HOURS,FULL TIME






















 可以考虑针对你的专业, 不注重的地方, 写一些缺点。比如你以后是要做研究的, 你就不能说自己没耐心, 不注意细节,或者以后你是要跟人打交道多的, 你就不能说自己不善于和人相处, 交流等等。推荐信里的缺点不要影响你所学专业,但是要看起来要真实一点, 而且不能跟你其他部分写的有矛盾。在推荐信中不要用尽所有表现人类美德、才华和优秀的形容词,却没有一个具体例证。在推荐信中适当提及缺点是非常有必要的,但是这个缺点最好不要针对自己所学的专业。



 Dear Sir/ Madam,

 I am writing this letter of recommendation for Mr.Cai, my former student. I have known Mr. Cai for more than 6 years since his freshman year at "University of Minnesota". At that time, he took the course-- "Mathematical Analysis," which I taught mainly for junior students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics. As you can see, he got excellent scoreson the course. In fact, he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class, which has 34 intelligent others.

 With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way, you may wonder why his undergraduate scores look not so good compared to other Chinese applicants. It is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, which were required to endure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college students did at least at "University of Minnesota".

 He even served as Prof. Linda s Research Assistant for one year. No one could deny his commitment to his job. As a matter of fact, Prof. Linda‘s electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I could always see him working in the lab, either repairing the instruments or helping Prof. Linda collect lab reports. Maybe one more example will demonstrate his commitment more clearly. Once he suggested compiling a FORTRAN program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. In order to do that, he had to do a lot of computer work. However, because there were few computers available in our computer lab, he had to wake up at 5 a.m. in winter (please note: "Twin city" is a downtown near the north border of America, so it is pretty cold in winter and the heating system is not working very well.) to ensure the 1st position of the long waiting line for his classmates and himself! At last he and his classmates finished the program successfully with his great efforts.

 As to his personality, I would like to say Mr. Cai is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my lectures, many students got confused at some points and I could always see Mr. Cai help them explain duringbreaks. In the meanwhile, I must admit that Mr. Cai was a bit impatient sometimes.

 Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, Mr. Cai is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admission andfinancial aid to your program. Please feel free to contact me if needed.

 Sincerely Yours,

 Xu Kun




2.确定将和您合租房的人对房子的要求基本相似。尽可能保持全部租客是学生,从而可以免除地方税(Council Tax);

















确认房东或中介已具备“房客押金保障资格(Tenancy Deposit Scheme)”。




3.如果在房内使用任何电视、影像、电脑等电子设备的,需要及时购买电视费证书(TV Licence);













1.所在院校的物业服务机构(Housing/Accommodation Office);

2.英国出租房中介机构的相关协会National Approved Lettings Scheme、Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors等;



好了,今天关于“my office留学机构”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“my office留学机构”有更深入的认识,并从我的回答中得到一些启示。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。





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