1.America’s first roller coaster ride, which opened in 1884 at Coney Island, Brooklyn, and capable of a top speed of only six miles per hour. No error
2.Over the past two years, apparel manufacturers have worked to meeting the revised federal standards for the design of uniforms. No error
3.Storing bread in the refrigerator delays drying and the growth of mold but increase the rate at which the bread l oses flavor .
4.According to last week’s survey, most voters were disappointed by legislators’ inability working together on key issues
5.When Marie Curie shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two other
scientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been the first woman to win the prize.
6.Every spring in rural Vermont the sound of sap dripping into galvanized metal buckets signal the beginning of the traditional season for gathering maple syrup.
7.Those investors who sold stocks just before the stock market crashed in 1929 were either wise or exceptional lucky
Most of the hypotheses that Kepler developed to explain physical forces were later rejected as inconsistent to Newtonian theory.
9.The Empire State Building, the Sears Tower, the Canadian National Tower — each of these structures was the tallest in the world at the time they were built.
10.The cost of safely disposing of the toxic chemicals is approximately
five times what the company paid to purchase it.
Reviews of books and films have generally been exempt from the standards of libel
that are applied to news stories, but they are now questioning the distinction between
reporting and criticism.
(A) they are now questioning the distinction between reporting and criticism
(B) questions are now being asked by them as to the distinction between
reporting and criticism
(C) the distinction between reporting and criticism is now being questioned
(D) the question they are asking now is whether there is a distinction between
reporting and criticism
(E) the distinction they make between reporting and criticism is now
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