NO.1 《剑桥雅思真题4-13》
NO.2 《2017最新雅思全科7+机经》
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract local people?
关键词:tourists + local people + museums and historical sites
关于 ?museum?(博物馆)的雅思写作真题:
1. Some museums charge visitors for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of free admission to museum outweigh its disadvantages? (2012/8/25)博物馆应该收费吗?
2. Museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2010/12/4)互联网时代,博物馆不重要了吗?
3. Report shows that it is increasingly expensive to keep museums open to public. Find the best way to fund museums among these funding possibilities?governments, businesses, individuals. (2018/10/20)博物馆的费用该谁支持:政府,企业还是个人?
4. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will be not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(2019/8/31)网络时代还需要博物馆和艺术馆吗?
Nowadays, there is a growing tendency that many museums and historical sites, which seem less attractive for local dwellers, are mainly visited by tourists from other parts of the world. As for the reasons and solutions, my points are listed as follows.
First, as the saying goes, familiarity breeds boredom. People always prefer things that they have never seen before or that belong to others. Such is human nature that people do not have curiosity about what they are familiar with. As most local people are familiar with the history and culture of their own city, they prefer to pay a visit to the museums and historical sites in other cities, so that they can experience different customs and cultures. What is more, some museums and historical sites require visitors to pay entrance fee, which further prevents the local people from visiting them. That is one of the main reasons why the local Beijing people would rather leave Beijing and visit other cities while crowds of tourists from other places flow to the prominent sites in the city, such as the Great Wall and The Temple of Heaven.
Several measures should be adopted to attract more local people. First of all, the local museums and historical sites should provide a greater variety of activities rather than focus on the local elements only. For example, they can hold cultural expositions regularly and encourage local people to be the performers or volunteers. Moreover, it is advisable for museums and historical sites to offer special discounts for locals or more preferably, carry out the free-admission policy. Last, greater effort should be made by government to strengthen the publicity of local sites and spark people?s interest in local culture.
Old people have their own ideas of how to think, behave and live, and it is not suitable for young people in preparing their modern life, discuss both views and give your opinion.
In modern life it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that when dividing how taxes should be spent, the government should prioritize health care. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that sport has an important role in society. Others think it is only a leisure activity for some people. Discuss both views and give your opinions.
The proportion of elderly people in some societies is increasing rapidly. Do you think the negative effect of such trend outweigh the positive effect?
Nowadays people tend to travel long distance to work every day. What are the reasons and suggestions?
International travel make people prejudiced more than board-mind, why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?
Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think should focus academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion
People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of crimes. Some people believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others think that little could be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
In some countries old people are highly valued, while in some cultures young people are highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. which is appropriate in today?s world.
These days,there is no needs to go out for a live performance (show,concert),because watching it at home on TV or computer screen is better. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Should people use mobile phones in public places?
Some people say that everyone can create art, but others think only those who are talented or have special skills can create art. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that the news media have much more influential in people?s lives and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Economic growth in in recent years made some people in both developed countries and developing countries richer. However, research showing that while people in developing countries are happier, people in developed countries seems no happier than before. Why? What can we learn from it?
Machines have replaced physical work in many industries. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people believe that parents should take punishments for the crime of their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your own opinion.
There is an increasing amount of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions?
Reading story books is better for children than watching television or playing computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed as they are used as money-making attractions, while others think it is the only way so save them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
鸟瞰《剑9》听力 一、新题or旧题
虽然《剑9》刚刚出炉,但从上表可以看出,其收录的题目集中出现在09年以前,并在之后多次考过。由于《剑9》的出版,这些题目将从题库中淘汰出来,以后不会再用。 注:表中Vxxxx表示机经版本号 二、场景
场景方面,《剑9》可谓中规中矩,没有太多的惊喜。 找工作、租房、旅游、医院注册、学习讨论等有些“老调重弹“的味道。比如Test 3 Section 3论文讨论场景,标题里出现了tutorial这个词,如果考生能将其直接理解为“课程”,那对于整个section的题目将会很有帮助。所以,针对这些高频场景,考生平时要善于总结和背诵一些特色词汇,特别要从发音的角度,记忆单词。 三、题型
从上图不难看出,《剑9》中的雅思听力十大题型,summary缺席,outline题目数量最多,table和单选所占比重不小,short-answer question出现最少,这跟2013年第一季度雅思听力考试的情况极为相似。
题型方面,仍以填空题为主,填空题和选择题比重大致为2:1。重点考察的还是单词的辨音能力,常考的点有:数字十几和几十的区别、名词单复数,如Test 3 Section 4第40题,有的考生在写答案时,容易在15和50中纠结和徘徊。 四、 难度 《剑9》作为剑桥雅思系列家族新成员,听力部分整体难度与《剑2-8》相当,无论是场景、题型、语音、语调、语速,还是考点词,都是对《剑2-8》的一个延续,这也是意料之中的事情。 逆袭《剑9》听力 有人把世界上的青年分成三种:普通青年、文艺青年、二逼青年。雅思江湖中也有三种考生:普通烤鸭、文艺烤鸭、二逼烤鸭。无论哪一款,都曾被雅思折磨过。 普通烤鸭说:为何我待雅思如初恋,雅思偏要虐我千百遍。 文艺烤鸭说:雅思,好想在高考前6个月遇见你,因为那是人生一段惊艳的时光,上知天体运行原理,下知有机无机反应,左有椭圆双曲线,右有杂交生物圈,外可说英语,内可休古文,求得了函数,聊得来马哲,溯源中华上下五千年,延推赤州陆海百万千,既懂音乐美术计算机,兼修武术民俗老虎钳。 二逼烤鸭说:不想再和雅思谈恋爱,嘿嘿,赞人品、求分手。 如何从雅思听力5分屌丝,逆袭为6分达人,甚至进阶到7分高富帅,方法多种多样、千奇百怪,但万变不离其中。独孤九剑之破剑式告诉我们:破剑式用以破解普天下各门各派的剑法,虽只一式,但其集中天下各门各派剑法要义兼收并蓄,虽说“无招”,却是以普天下剑法之招数为根基。另外,时刻牢记“天下武学,唯快不破“,速度的判断和速度的出手,在敌人出手的一刹那察觉敌人的破绽,然后在敌人来不及变招的情况下速度的制敌。雅思听力与此相通,审题的速度决定解题的高度,遗憾的是无数的考生都栽倒在这个环节;录音开始前的30秒,何其关键,可却有人偏偏漠视它。尤其2013年,听力选择题长度和难度日益加大,审题越来越重要。 《剑9》的出现,除了增加4套真题可供练习外,烤鸭应该巧用《剑9》进行审题训练,具体方法如下: 1、 打开任意一个section,计时30秒,浏览一遍题目; 2、 不要计时,把刚才的section再看一遍; 3、 对两遍的审题进行比较,调整审题思路,提升精准定位的能力。 以上为雅思听力提分心法,有缘人得之。 从去年下半年,江湖上就一直流传着关于《剑桥雅思全真试题集9》(以下简称《剑9》)的各种传言,终于在3月5号,比预计发行时间提早一个月露出了它的真面目。 下面把《剑9》中的口语部分具体内容总结如下:
纵观《剑9》全部四套试题,口语出题形式和题型都没有发生任何改变。第一部分都是考生相对比较熟悉,较为简单的话题,可以看做是个热身(Warm up),主要目的是帮助考生放松心情,更好的进入考试状态。但是作为第一次参加考试的同学需要注意,第一部分不止一个话题,考官一般会就三个主要话题对考生进行提问,每个话题下都会有4到5个小问题,第一部分考试整体用时大约5分钟。其中的第一个话题大多(9成以上的考生)都是围绕Hometown, Accommodation和Study/Work展开,而第二和第三个话题会由考官随机选取。 《剑9》口语第二部分的话题仍旧围绕人物(People),地点(Places),物品(Objects)和事件(Events)展开.比如“描述一个你喜欢去的露天或是街边的集市”属于地点类的题目,“描述一件你做过新颖或者刺激的事情”和“描述一次你记忆中做车,坐飞机或是坐船的旅程”都属于事件类,而“描述一个乐于助人的人”属于人物类话题。考生在准备第二部分的话题时,可以根据话题的不同类别加以合理的拓展和描述。例如在描述人物类的话题时,应当选取人物的一到两个比较特别的性格特点,附加实际事例或故事加以阐述。描述地点类的话题时通过Where (具体位置,坐落在哪), When (去的频率或是最近一次去的时间), Who(自己还是别人一起去), What (什么样子的,可以看到,买到,玩到,吃到些什么)and Why (为什么喜欢)来拓展思路。而事件类的题目主要集中在描述事件的内容和感受上。 《剑9》第三部分的题目来看,仍旧集中在五大题型上,它们分别是:Describe(例如What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?),Compare and Contrast(例如Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way?),Discuss advantages and disadvantages(例如What do you think are advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?),Explain(例如Why do people need to travel every day?)Express and Justify opinions(例如, Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the you agreeor disagree with that? Why?). 就以往的《剑桥雅思全真试题集(1-8)》来看,书中收录的听力,阅读和写作的所有考题都是从题库中淘汰的旧题,在今后的雅思考试中不会再次原题重现。但是口语却是个例外,题库只会增加新题,很少淘汰老题目,很多老话题做适当的调整或修改后出现在不同的部分而已,例如《剑桥雅思全真试题集8》(以下简称《剑8》)Test1, Part1的话题neighbor经过改编后成为了去年9月到12月雅思口语考试中第二部分描述人物的一个话题,叫做Describe a neighbor of yours. 《剑9》Test1, Part1的话题Game变成了Describe a game (not sports game) in your childhood,而Test3, Part2的话题Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat]that you remember well,变成了Describe a perfect holiday/vacation you would like to have. 并都出现在了2013年1月以来的考之中。原题重现也是非常频繁的事情,例如《剑8》Test2, Part2的Topic “Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to”就以原题的形式出现在《剑8》发行一年后,2012年4月的考试中。而《剑9》Test3, Part1的话题Telephoning正是今年1月份雅思口语考试第一部分的高频话题之一。 综上所述,只要考生做到考前认真归纳总结,掌握雅思口语考官的出枪轨迹,即每种题型的解题思路和方法,并开口加以练习,就可以见招拆招,力达枪尖,一招破枪! 《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集9》(下文简称《剑9》)已于3月5日正式出版发行,雅思江湖硝烟再起。作为新航道的雅思教头,本师在第一时间研读此书,就A类阅读部分进行了分析,希望帮助广大雅思考生揭开《剑9》的神秘面纱,赠送“烤鸭”破除阅读刀法之秘技。 作为雅思考试的主办方之一,剑桥大学考试委员会上一次发布《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集8》是在2011年3月底。时隔两年,再次发布《剑9》基本符合剑桥大学考试委员会的常规做法。《剑9》的发布对广大雅思考生是权威的备考资料,对雅思培训教师也是不可多得的研究资源,值得大家认真学习和研究。 首先希望广大雅思考生注意的是,《剑9》里面收录的是雅思考试的authentic past papers,即为在过去的雅思考试中真题,也就是说,在今后的雅思考试中不会再出现《剑9》里面收录的真题了。所以,大家不要希望做了《剑9》,在考场上还能碰到一模一样的题目。其实,就A类阅读而言,《剑9》里面收录的真题大多是在2008和2009年中国大陆地区的考试中出现的,近两年出现的题目非常少,通过下面的表格,同学们可以了解下《剑9》A类阅读的文章内容和题型。
从上面的表格中,我们可以看出《剑9》中收录的阅读文章的背景还是以科普类的文章居多,这符合雅思考试的两个测试特点International(国际化)和None-professional(非专业化)。 此外,就题型类别上,我们通常说的雅思阅读5种重点题型:T/F/NG(判断题)、Matching (搭配题)、Multiple Choice (选择题)、Summary(摘要填空)和List of Headings(标题题)都有出现,而且T/F/NG(判断题)、Matching (搭配题)和Multiple Choice (选择题)3种题型的题量占了绝对优势,总和接近题目总量的70%。另外我们常说的3种次要题型:Short Answer Questions (简答题)、Sentence Completion (完成句子)和Flow-chart, Diagram and Table Completion(图表题)在《剑9》中,Short Answer Questions (简答题)的题量上升至17题,Sentence Completion (完成句子)也达到了15题,紧跟在前3种绝对优势的重点题型之后,值得广大“烤鸭”们注意。 结合2013年前两个月的考试,T/F/NG(判断题)和Matching (搭配题)依旧独领风骚,是雅思阅读的重点刀法,但在近两个月的考试中,几乎每次都出现了Summary(摘要填空)这一刀。不要认为《剑9》里Summary(摘要填空)只出现两次,共7题就是不重要的题型了,平时的备考也不用多练习了,那就可能成为雅思考官的“刀下游魂”了! 最后,本师还想就如何使用《剑9》来破雅思阅读之刀提供自己的心经。建议“烤鸭”们把《剑9》的阅读部分做3遍(即3个层次)以达真正破解之道。第1个层次,修炼要点是把《剑9》阅读每篇文章的每道题真正搞懂,达到能够“解释”的水平。也就是说,不要心里认为自己懂了,而是要用清晰的语言把每道题目的考查点和解题思路说出来,能“解释”给别人听,这才算是过关。第2个层次,不是在做题了,而是训练对考官“出刀方位”的敏感度。修炼要点是看到《剑9》阅读的每道题,不用翻看前面的文章,能把原文中考点对应的句子复述出来。“烤鸭”们可能都有所了解(如果你遇到过雅思阅读明师,这里没有写错,是“明师”而不是“名师”,指的是“明白的老师”):雅思考官使用阅读刀法的核心是“同义替换”。只有在第2个层次上对这一核心进行密集训练,才能突破限制,挥手破刀。最后,第3个层次是更高的要求,是希望考到阅读7分以上的“烤鸭”们应该修炼的步骤:精读《剑9》A类阅读的12篇文章。修炼要点是精读文章中句子与句子之间的衔接,分析出每句话之间的衔接关系和衔接手法。修炼完这个层次的“烤鸭”能达到正本清源,甚至能开阅读之“天眼”:不再通过理解一个接一个句子去获取信息,而是通过篇章及段落的信息组织方法去预知、验证及判断信息。这已经超越了雅思阅读本身,而是学术阅读的高级阶段。真正在考官出手之前就看到了出刀的轨迹,达到“空手夺白刃”,高手啊! “烤鸭”们,《剑9》给大家多了一本修炼的材料,希望本师上述的解析帮助大家修炼成功,早日破解雅思阅读之刀,要努力哦! Task 1 Briefing 《剑9》收集了3套数据类作文题和1套地图题,基本沿袭了《剑8》中数据类作文题和非数据类作文题3:1的格局。下面将分别予以分析。 数据类作文题 《剑9》中的这类题目分别是bar chart, pie chart和line graph.虽然图形不同,但是特点一致:都是有时间跨度的动态图形,涉及的时间分别是1995-2002,2000/2050,1980-2030。这一组合与以前的《剑》系列真题相比较而言,有两点值得关注。 第一,《剑9》没有选择静态图形。 但是我们不认为在今后的备考中不需要重视静态图形了,这一点需引起大家重视。纵观2012年task 1数据类作文题,静态图形的比例约为45%。这对于一些“言图表必称趋势”的考生尤其重要——不要因《剑9》的无心之举而自作多情,需知有些情是伤不起的。不过,这个安排并不是很过分,因为动态图形在考试中确实“大众”一些。 在此提醒自认为容易“阴沟里翻船”的考生,应该根据自己的智力和心理特点,充分准备这类题型,否则考试的时候,就只能明明白白地看着自己需要再次光临“雅”舍。 第二,《剑9》有两套题都涉及了将来时间。 在之前的真题集中,只有剑5 test 1(1940-2040)出现过将来时间,成为很多同学练习中的一个难点,但涉及将来时间的相关题目在最近两年屡见不鲜。这类题目多涉及对于将来情况的预测、规划等,考生自己一定要熟悉projection/project(v.)/plan/forecast/estimate等词的灵活使用。在此提醒对于图表作文时态处理还不够从容的考生,苦心练“剑”的时候,可不能枉费了《剑9》选编者的此番苦心。否则,落花有意,流水无情,岂不可惜? 非数据类作文题 《剑9》Test 1收录了地图题一套,呈现了一个小岛(据图所示,非桃花岛,似椰树岛)的历史旧貌和规划建设之后的现状,写作中突出一个“变”字,即要考生比较两者,写出椰树岛的变化。此题一出,即与《剑5》Test 3的地图题遥相呼应,较为完美的呈现了现行题库中地图题的庐山真貌。相比之下,《剑5》地图题没有时间推移,亦无沧海桑田,写作重在一个“比”字,即要考生对图中两点进行全方位的比较对比。我倾向于把《剑5》test 3所代表的归类为静态地图题,而把《剑9》test 1所代表的归类为动态地图题。在2009年以来的地图题当中,以动态类地图题为主。因此,《剑9》这道题具有十分重要的地位。在培训和备考中,应该将其纳入讲学必备的题目当中。考生自然需要仔细查阅考官范文,总结其中写作心法。心法既得,万象皆空。 Task 2 Briefing 《剑》系列真题中的task 2作文题目尤其引人注目。不过这次的《剑9》和江湖上对于“新书出新题”的预期大相径庭,不论从题目的题型还是话题选择上,都没有肩负起其作为题库道德楷模的责任和展示“新题型”的义务,大有我行我素、笑傲江湖之风。 题型分析 《剑9》所选的4套A类task 2真题都属于Argumentation(论辩型题目)的类型,尽管具体的提问方式有所差别(如Table 1所示),2套G类task 2题目也同属此类。也就是说,此选集中没有选择Reasons/Solutions(RS)题型的题目,或者RS与Argumentation综合类的题目。对此现象的解读远没有澄清对此的误读更重要——“我们只需要准备第一类题目即可,因为《剑9》展示了这一点”,其中道理与本文在task 1 briefing部分的说明一致。2013年2月23日的考试task 2题目即是要求考生谈论为什么现在大学生选择纯理科科目的人不多极其影响,即RS题型。 不过,《剑9》的这种选择方式仍然情有可原,因为在历年考试以及题库中,Argumentation题型的确占据绝大部分,很多情况下都可超越8成的比例。总之,只要读者面对这个选集的时候不要过度意*其旨,则不会对其身心健康不利。 Table 1
话题及题源分析 《剑9》中的4套A类写作题目涉及的话题均为雅思考试中屡考不衰的“百年老题”,分别为教育(2题)、公共健康(1题)、语言文化(1题)(参见Table 2)。题目所涉及的论题也是学生生活、学习中的常见话题,当然也不会给我们带来“惊艳”的感觉。就所选题目的题源而言,年代已然“久远”——最近的为2009年献身江湖的题目。那这是正常呢还是正常呢还是很正常呢? 很正常。 由于能编入雅思考题的话题和论题有较强的限制性(此处省略xxx字),所以在每年的真实考试中能出现的新论题较少,新话题更少,很多时候是出题者将题库中的旧有的论题重新改写,(如换一角度或侧重点等),变化延伸为“新”题目,重新投放每次的考试题库当中。因此,table 2中所展示的话题总结和题源分析就不足为奇了。下次在考场上,你可能还会碰到这些话题,甚至相似的论题,这也不足为奇,这一点已经为历年考试所证明,限于篇幅,就不在此鳌述相关数据了。在此,需要提醒广大要踏入江湖的考生,务虚熟悉各门各派的出招路数,了解雅思话题出题的界门纲目科属种,这样才会游刃有余。
Table 2
Task 1: Bar chart (动态柱图)2005,2010,2015年某国观看各种体育活动的人数变化。
Task 2: Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think university education should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
Introduction: There are differing views on the focus of university education: on academic study or on employment skills.
Body-1: 讨论大学教育应该教育学生学术性课程
1. 大学的功能之一就是知识的传递和创新。教授学术性课程的过程就是知识传递给下一代的过程,在下一代接受了这些教育之后,也能为未来的创新打下坚实的基础。
2. 学术性课程的学习也助于学生的发展。For example, students learn about how things work through the study of physics, and through the study of history, they learn about how societies and countries were formed and how past events shaped them.
但是,我不同意大学教育应该only focus在学术学习上,因为培养学生的job skills也同样重要。(注意这里有一个转折,明确否定了only, 自然的引出另一个观点)
Body-2: 为什么教授skills for employment也很重要
1. 从社会角度来讲,大学需要为社会培养合格的工作者。比如大学需要为社会培养医生,教师,律师和工程师等等,以满足社会发展的需要,这就要求大学教育要有专业性和应用性,方能满足需求。
2. 从学生角度来讲,大多数人上大学的目的之一就是在毕业后获得好的就业机会。所以教会学生更好的就业技能方能满足学生的需求。如果大学不能帮助学生提升就业能力并找到更好的工作,可能很多人都不会上大学,尤其是在一些学费昂贵的国家。 In conclusion, 学术性学习是大学教育的一部分,但我不同意是唯一的一部分,同时大学教育还应该兼顾培养学生的就业能力。
Some peple beleve that uniersity education shoud focus on the skils of employment of the fure. others think they should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In pesent-day soiet, a greater propotion of students are pursing higher eduction and otainin master's degrees and PhDs. Netheles there 1s gret debate over whether universty students ought to concentrate on larning employment or academic sis,s which wil be frter dscuse. It has been argued that the main ojecive of a uivrst education is to obrain a satsjing and wlpaid ocupation that matches the sillet of the aplicant From this point of view, clleges ought to eucate students based on the needs and requrements of companies in the feles that match the majors of hermore, nivrsities also need to have the ailll to predict ptental future trends in the market and atempt to create a cricium that would enable students to have prosperous long- term crees In this way, unverstites play a huge role in ensuing that students are able to meet the crrent and future needs of enterprises.
On he cntry, academic siis are also esesta in improving students alis and filtatt the cucial sil of being able to learn and pick up new adtion academic abilis enble iduals to achieve success in school which is one of the major ndicators of having a poperous cree. Futhermore,honing academic silss alows students to build confidence in the dassomm which enables them to have greater seft eseem when they enter the workplace.
As a resut, students who are well-equipped with advanced academic sills have abetter foundation and are more wll-prepared in their in al employment and academic sils are both crtial to acomomplishing success in school and the workplace. A fair balance betwen the two would ensure that unvrsiteis produce more wlroundd graduates who could tackle any callnges they face in the future.
多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型 reason(s)why...
E.g:There may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall Iagree that they are overpaid.
文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that...
E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.
A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...)
E.g:The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.
E.g:Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.
C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...)
E.g:As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport,it would be very unpopularwith everyone who needs to travel on the roads.
D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...)
E.g:The government will increase its support for public education,provided that such funds canbe put to good use.
E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)
E.g:*While(表示二者对比)some people link happiness to wealth and material success,othersthink it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships.*Even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work,I think it is notunrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.
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