Section 2 版本号: V130829 场景: 美国酒店旅馆 题型:配对题+多选题
选项有:no swimming pool; well-equipped suite; good service; not suitable for families with children; comfortable bed
17-18选择:spa; free internet acess
19-20选择:free food for children; room upgrade
注意事项:注意审题, 配对题和多选题的做题方法
Section 3 版本号:130713 场景:烹饪书的描述和看法 题型:单选题+配对题
21. relate to people?s lifestyle
22. poorly organized
23. they are for professionals
24. not for pleasure
25. prepare food nutrient?up-to-date
26. 题干缺失-good on history/good bibliography
27. food development---topics are well researched
28. core food discipline---visible and clear
29. marketing---it?s more practical
30. answers and questions---self study
Section 4 版本号:新场景:植物入侵 题型:填空题
31. garden
32. humans
33. Europe
34. timber
35. insects
36. Russia
37. flower
38. 缺失
39. birds
40. digestive
Section 3 旧题v09322,学术讨论场景男女对话讨论关于 Hi-keti, 新西兰怪石雕刻的研究,选择5+配对5
Arts 艺术
Performance n.表演
Audience n.观众
Art festival 艺术节
Carnival 嘉年华
Circus show 马戏表演
Puppet 木偶
Acrobat 杂技演员
Museum 博物馆
Souvenir 纪念品
Art gallery 画廊
Cinema **院
Theatre 剧院
Theme park 主题公园
Sculpture/statue 雕像
Sculptor 雕塑家
Artist 艺术家
Designer 设计师
Rock painting 岩画
21-25 multiple choice
21. Both students agreed with that
Green stone is too hard to be carved (regularly)
22. Why few greenstone was found in archaeological sites
A it has few introduction
B it was stolen by tomb raider
C the owner take care of them
为了帮助大家备考雅思的阅读,参考更多真题,下面我给大家带来雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris,望喜欢!
雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris
文章 标题 Ambergris 龙涎香 ?文章大意 关于ambergris龙涎香和amber琥珀
?第一段说 ambergris这个东西很久以前就有了,然后说ambergris的用途有 for medicine, spice,用来制作perfume 什么的等等(有题,matching) 然后说但是人们不知道它是从哪里来的,再就是说在古代it worth in weight in gold,当然是贵了。
第二段说 以前人们一直把ambergris和amber当作一种东西。但是有个叫Dick的作者 写了一本书 讲了这两个东西的区别(有题,matching)说ambergris 通常发现在海面或者shore,但是仍然不知道是从哪里来的。 Amber是一种什么东西,与松树pine有关,? 然后说了amber的一些特性 hard,transparent, 等等,用来做装饰品, 头饰什么的,? 同样 very costly。(有题,matching)
第三段说ambergris是与sperm whale的intestine肠子里的消化digest 某种东西有关。以为intestine会有题,结果没有,提到了马可波罗,好像与这个发现有关(没题,当笑话好了)
第四段就是具体describe ambergris的产生过程了。(summary 题)大意是,sperm whale吃一种东西 叫 beaks of squalid, 肠子就有助消化,但是不能完全消化,就转化成了另一种东西,应该是体内的垃圾。这种垃圾是soft的,会被sperm whale 呕吐出来 be vomited up。 然后这种东西遇到空气就会变硬 harden, 于是就形成了 ambergris了,也解释了为什么ambergris总在海面和shore被发现。
第五段 说人们为了获得ambergris而捕杀sperm whale 导致了濒临灭绝。给了一个数据 说in 20th century, 90% ambergris was made in the processing of killing sperm whale。(有题, TFNG)ambergris was still the most expensive product in the whole body of sperm whale,大意是这样的。 于是人们就开始采取 措施 保护sperm whale, 在工业生产中采用了很多ambergris的替代品,例如香水制造业中就用了某种东西,代替了ambergris。
第六段 说 sperm whale的数量会有recover的那么一天,没题。 题目类型 Matching
T/F/NG 参考答案 Matching
A only ambergris?
B only amber?
C both?
D neither
·very expensive? C
·use in medicine? A
·use as currency? D?
·refers to in a Book written by Dick _x? C
·could be seen through B Summary填空
·sperm whale 吃下去 beaks of squalid,
·_x be vomited up,?
·hardens when exposure on air T/F/NG
·20th century most ambergris was made in the processing of killing of sperm whale。 T
·Ambergris’s cost increased recently。 NG
·ambergris still remains in the perfume making。 F
·关于保护鲸鱼的 F
但凡接触过雅思真题或曾经亲历雅思考场的考生大多对TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (另一种写法为YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)的题型颇有印象,原因有二:
理解判断题的第一步是理解TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN的定义,逐一分析如下:
TRUE (YES)的定义为the statement agrees with the information/the views (claims) of the writer,即“此说法与原文信息/作者的观点或主张相符”。这里的重点信息在于agree with的概念,此选项并非要求题干与原文的内容一模一样,而只要符合原文信息即可。
举个例子说明,原文 句子 说“这个女生长得很漂亮”,那么题干说“这个女生长得很好看”或“这小姑娘长相真是还可以”都是与原文信息相符,此时考生要选TRUE (YES)。
FALSE (NO)的定义为the statement contradicts the information,即“如果此说法与原文信息相矛盾和抵触”。这里的重点信息在于contradict一词:contra是“相反”“相违背”的意思,dict则是“陈述”“说明”的意思。也就是说,应选FALSE的题干与原文信息是相矛盾、相违背、相抵触的,原文中给出的已知信息可以直接或经过合理推理否定掉题干的内容。
NOT GIVEN的定义为there is no information on this/it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this,即“此说法在原文中找不到”或“没法知道作者对此是怎么看的”。许多考生都将此视为最麻烦的一个选项,因为如果不能把整篇文章都看完并且看懂,每个NOT GIVEN的选项都是在惴惴不安的心情中写下的。
NOT GIVEN的情况其实可以分为以下两种:
① 原文中完全没有提及题干所说的相关内容,不过这种完全无中生有的题目比较罕见;
② 原文中提到的相关信息与题干内容不属于同一个范围或性质。
比如题干说“这个女生长得很好看”,而原文中提到的与“此女生”有关的内容是“这个女生是个善良的好孩子,这种情况下,长相和个性虽然都是在描述这个女生,但两者既不一致也不矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。
判断题的逻辑其实不难理解,但许多考生依然烦恼:看定义貌似懂了,一到做题的时候还是纠结不已。这跟考生的单词量、语法基础、长难句分析能力和思维习惯等方面都有关系。不过 总结 起来,每个选项的出题还是有一定套路的。
1. TRUE (YES)的出题套路
① 直接说对
比如题干说long-term medical complaints,原文说chronic illnesses,考生就不但要认识long-term与chronic是同义替换关系,而且要明白medical与complaint组合在一起并不是“医疗投诉、医疗纠纷”这类意思,而是作为一个词组表示“疾病”。
② 间接说对
“间接说对”指的是有些题干需要根据原文某句话或几句话进行简单推理或综合理解才能判断其是TRUE (YES)。
例1:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area. (《剑七》Test 2 Passage 3第34题)
原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.
解析:在定位到的原文句子里,考生虽然不能直接找到题干中的20%,但从原文中可以看出“本地范围内占80%”(80% was within the locality),就可以推断出“本地范围外有20%”,由此得出本题应选TRUE。
③ 复杂同义表述
针对此种情况,考生可以在考场上先跳过此题,集中精力解决 其它 更有把握的题目,以保证整体得分;也可以在平时备考中注意练习精读分析能力,让自己见多识广,看到多长的句子都心中不怵,能从容应对。
例2:Nineteenth-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the person’s upbringing. (《剑8》Test 3 Passage 2第19题)
原文:However, the difficulty with the evidence produced by these studies, fascinating as they are in collecting together anecdotes and apparent similarities and exceptions, is that they are not what we would today call norm-referenced. In other words, when, for instance, information is collated about early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, etc., we must also take into account information from other historical sources about how common or exceptional these were at the time.
译文:但是,虽然(19世纪的)这些研究在收集汇总天才们的人生轶事以及他们之间显著的相似和与众不同这些方面颇为引人入胜,然而使用这些证据的困难之处在于,它们并不是我们今天所说的“常模参照”研究。换句话说,例如当我们收集关于早期疾病、 儿童 抚养 方法 、学校 教育 等信息时,我们必须也同时参考来自其他历史记载中的相关信息,考察这些情况在当时究竟是常见还是少见的。
2. FALSE (NO)的出题套路
① 直接、明显的矛盾和抵触
例3:Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle’s view on the subject. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第17题)
原文:But modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle’s belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning.
解析:虽然这道题定位到的原文句子生词很多,句子很长,但是对于“Aristotle’s belief that …”后面的东西考生通通不用看。考生需要弄清楚的是,现在对幽默的研究有没有忽略亚里士多德(Aristotle)的观点,有这个原文中的settle on (选定)就可以直接判断出,题干与原文是相互矛盾与抵触的。
② 间接不明显的矛盾和抵触
例4:The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture treatment. (《剑4》Test 2 Passage 2第22题)
原文:In 1993, Dr. Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists’ practices in Sydney. These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists.
解析:很多考生定位到上述原文句子之后,因为在原文句子中没有找到acupuncture (针灸疗法)这个不认识的词而选了NOT GIVEN选项。然而这里的两句话所给出的内容其实是可以否定掉题干的。从原文的意思可知,1993年悉尼调查里确实有289个病人,这些病人接受了八家诊所由25位治疗师提供的a wide range of (一系列)的治疗。换言之,这289位病人接受了各种治疗,由此可以反推知道他们接受的一定不是任何单一的治疗,而题干则说这289位病人接受的都是针灸疗法这一种,与原文产生矛盾,应选FALSE。
3. NOT GIVEN的出题套路
① 原文和题干的描述性质不同
这种出题思路对考生的 英语阅读 和理解水平要求都较高,因此按照这种思路出的题往往会让考生感到难以判断。举例说明,冷水与热水是矛盾的,因为它们都在描述“水的温度”这个属性;然而冷水与茶水则既不能说一致,也不能说彼此矛盾:这两者一个在说水的温度,另一个则说水的状态,此时考生应该选择NOT GIVEN。请看下面一个例子。
例5:Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第15题)
原文:Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.
解析:对比题干与定位到的原文,两者确实都是在说柏拉图对“幽默是什么”的表述,但原文说“幽默是感觉”,题干说“幽默是智商”,感觉和智商的性质不同,但并不彼此矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。
② 把观点当事实,或把事实当观点
例6:The Lumiere Brothers’ film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made. (《剑6》Test 3 Passage 1第7题)
原文:One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of genius.’
解析:对比原文和题干,考生应该明白,原文说“最伟大的导演之一安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)认为这部**是天才之作”既不能等同于题干的“这部**确实是最伟大的作品之一”,也无法否定掉题干的说法,因此此题只能选NOT GIVEN这项。
③ 把原文里出现的两个没有进行比较的内容放在一起比较
例7:Early peoples found it easier to count by using their fingers rather than a group of pebbles. (《剑6》Test 2 Passage 3第40题)
原文:Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter’s fingers.
解析:此题的题干是将用手指数数与用石头数数进行了对比,然而在定位到的原文中却没有进行此种比较。这种“没有比较的比较”算是比较常见的NOT GIVEN选项的出题套路。
单词量不够并不仅仅是考生在应对判断题时所面临的问题,它是一个在所有英语考试中都令考生头疼的一个根本性问题。积累单词没有什么捷径,唯有少量多次、稳步积累、不断复习、巩固强化。一个人无论 记忆力 多么超乎常人,也不大可能日背千词、过目不忘。而制订合理的背单词计划,考生哪怕每天只补充10~20个单词,只要坚持下去,日积月累也能收获回报。
这个问题其实最不应该发生在考场上,却往往是考生容易“大意失荆州”之处。举个笔者的学生曾经产生过误解的例子:“Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than anthropology.” 这个题干原本表达的意思是“考古学是一门比人类学更加艰深的研究领域”,笔者的学生却曾将它理解成“考古学比人类学需要做更多的田野调查”,出现这个问题的原因是考生将field与study之间的那个of看漏了。
通过词的前后缀 (前缀表意,后缀表词性)
E.g:Video recordings avoid these problems to a large extent, but even they have limitations (the camera cannot be everywhere), and …(C4T3P3)
Typically, children do not end up on the streets due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: a dearth of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home, family breakdown and violence.(C4T3P1)
冒号后面即为解释说明什么是a combination of factors,或者简单来说就是有哪些factors,因题目问的是孩子们为什么会沦落街头,那在冒号后面就是作为答题的重要依据了。
Chimpanzees have a “play-face”—a gaping expression accompanied by a panting “ah,ah” noise.(C5T2P2)
E.g:Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humor but language understanding and reasoning in machines. (C5T2P2)
本句提到Graeme Ritchie这个人,这个人是谁呢,后面解释说他是a computational linguist in Edinburgh,结合我们所说第一点,不认识computational,但computer应该知道,-al结尾形容词,linguist以-ist结尾,表“...人/家”,后面一个in+大写,猜也知道是地名,所以大概能猜到这个人是电脑方面的一个什么专家。如果能判断到这一点,对后面的判断18题会很有帮助。
特别注意:同位语注意是位置的“位”,也就是说和被解释词在句中的位置是相同的,这类用法多见于解释专有名词(比如人名,地名),这对于做 配对 题和一些细节判断题很有帮助;其次要注意的是有时候插入语两边的逗号也会变成两个破折号,其用意相同,完全可以当做两个逗号看待。
E.g:World science is dominated today by a small number of languages, including Japanese, German and French…(C5T2P3)
这个例子比较简单,但是如果真的不认识languages,完全可以通过Japanese, German and French来猜测其意思,一定是上一级词汇,所以意思是“语言”。也就是说看到include,involve,contain,for example,for instance,such as等表“包含、例如”的词时候,若能认识这些词后面一到两个词的意思,会帮助猜测这些词之前的单词意思,一定是这一到两个词的上义词。
E.g:And they are known to have used wooded pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone.(C7T4P1)
His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. (C9T1P1)
定语从句本身是修饰作用,但这种句子的修饰其实是在帮助我们理解一个复杂词汇,把不懂得具象化。比如第一句的wooden pulleys不知道,后面大致能明白说是它可以承受巨大重量,那只要理解这个wooden pulleys是个可以承重的东西即可;同理,第二个句子不仅有定语从句,还用到了方法3,Thomas Hall是谁,是his teacher,他怎么了,他鼓励他学生去参加Michael Faraday的课,进一步解释说明了Thomas Hall的身份。
比如在实验类文章中,study不是“学习”的意思,而是“研究”的意思;subject不是“课程、科目”,而是“实验对象”;solution不是“解决办法”,而是“溶液”,比如在C9T1P1中提到purple solution,不可能是“紫色解决办法”吧,所以这里应该明白其有另一个意思。
Section 1 新题,题型为表格填空题
这个部分比较简单,为两个人讨论去 Canada 的 Vancouver 旅行。考察内容是听力5大场景中出题最频繁的旅行题,词汇也很基础,相关旅行场景可以参考剑桥系列C4.2.2;C5.1.1&C7.2.2等
Passage 1 (旧题)
题目:Tattoo on Tikopia
希望为大家整理的《雅思考试阅读真题及答案2015年1月31日》一文能给大家提供帮助!及时为大家提供雅思考试信息,大家可按 Ctrl+D 进行收藏,即可第一时间了解最新考试动态!
1. 雅思写作真题范文都有哪些
2015年雅思写作真题范文(2月14日):TASK2:The use of mobile phone in certain places is just as antisocial as *** oking. do you think mobile should be banned like *** oking?解析:这道考题应该算是比较简单的,一是话题(手机使用)本身不难,是考生们所熟悉的。
2015年雅思写作真题范文欣赏:Mobile phones are very popular among modern people as they greatly facilitate their daily life. However some people think the wide use of mobile phones causes problems as well and theyshould be banned.Advocates of this believe that like *** oking which pollutes air, the use of mobile phones causes another kind of pollution, and that is noise. Inconsiderate use of them can be quite annoying. For example, loud conversations on mobile phones in public interrupt the pleasure of a quiet talk with friends. Besides, using mobile phones while driving can be a distraction for drivers and considered as a main contributor to road injuries. What is worse, excessive use of mobile phones can cause damage to people's health. Particularly, too much exposure to the tiny screen can be detrimental to young children's eyes.However, the important role of mobile phones in modern life cannot be denied. First, for the majority of users, mobile phones provide them with easy and convenient munication that nothing else can offer. Compared with letters which take a couple of days or even weeks to reach the recipient, calls or short text messages via mobile phones enable users to stay connected with their social circles in a more efficient way.Moreover, new phones with multi-functions are constantly pushed to the market due to the application of new technology and they add more color to the dull routine. For instance, *** artphone users now can share interesting photos or their thoughts on a certain topic wherever they go. Also, convenience is important in modern life and the updated functions meet such need. New *** artphones enable users to pay all kinds of bills or make shopping payments effortlessly, saving time for work or leisure. Unlike laptops or other advanced hi-tech devices, mobile phones are *** aller, lighter and easier to carry, therefore they gain tremendous popularity among people who needs to travel frequently and keep in touch with outside world.In conclusion, unlike *** oking which is definitely harmful to *** okers and the environment, mobile phones can benefit people if they are properly used. Therefore I do not think it is advisable to ban mobile phones, but guidelines about how to use them in a civilized way are essential.。
2. 求雅思小作文范文《我的奇思幻想》…暑copy假来临了,我和妈妈打算去上海海迪士尼游玩,我多么希望在那里住一宿。
3. 雅思作文怎么写可以拿高分很多同学把精e69da5e887aa3231313335323631343130323136353331333332393531力放在写作的结构或内容上,这是致命的错误。雅思作文只要做到结构清晰,内容合理,不要要太变态或太强辞夺理即可。真正决定分数的是语言!!!考官比较侧重两方面:句型结构和词汇。
词汇:中国学生往往对词汇的理解有个误区!!!总觉得,词用的越难越好,这是大错特错!!!去看看剑桥系列从书所提供的例文,没有一篇考官写的例文是用了很多难词的。词汇主要是强调多样性,即表达同一个意思,不要重复同样的表达方式。比如:要说某某事很重要,第一次如果用了important,第二次就不能再说了,可以换些表达,如significant, of great importance, have priority over。等等,这样表达的方式就多样了,考官就开心了,分数就高了。
4. 雅思大作文写几个观点do you agree or disagree的雅思作文题目,最好是要有一个让步观点.对于每一个观点段落,可以在该段的开头就写明一个主题句,清晰的阐明该段大意,当然也可以在结尾的时候写一个总结句,一个点明段落大意的主题句或者总结句可以为作文加分.discuss both views and give your own opinoin的题目,每个view段落里面写几个分论点是可以根据自己进行调整的,如果把分论点都写在一个段落里面太长的话,可以通过自然的连接词换一段写,这些连接词类似于:however、then、so等等.是要先表明观点,表明观点,不需要像前面两段那样复杂的论证,但是也要做一个简单的说明.cause and effect的题目,每一段写一个观点即可,如果观点过多,可以适当将两个观点作为一个段落来写.有时间多到“雅思救星”上面看看,多练习、多看范文,对提高自己的雅思写作能力也是非常有帮助的.。
5. 关于雅思作文朗阁海外考试研究中心 赵平江说到雅思写作,很多考生会不约而同地想到词汇和语法。
有些串句是不用任何标点间隔两个甚至更多的句子;有些串句是在该用句号时滥用逗号,忽略了逗号本身没有连接句子功能的原则。No one can deny the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.There is a general discussion there days over education in many colleges and institutes, one of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.修改和避免串句错误的常见方法:①用句号把原句分成两个独立的句子;②用连词连接两个句子;③用分号连接两个句子。
如:No one can deny the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem, so the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.There is a general discussion there days over education in many colleges and institutes; one of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.2、破句破句是把不完整的句子当作独立的句子来写时发生的错误。以下是常见的几个破句的例子:Students should be encouraged to take part-time job. Because it will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole.点评:从属连词引起的破句。
常见的从属连词有after,unless, even if, even though ,since , before , when (whenever),because, if, who(whoever),while, as (as if ), which(whichever), although , so that, where(wherever), until, that等。像because这样的从属连词开头的从句是不能单独存在的,它依赖于另一个句子方能使意义完整,也就是说单独的从句本身就是破句。
修改后:Students should be encouraged to take part-time job because it will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole.A large number of people think that they had pleted their education when they finished their schooling. Not realizing that a person's education is a most important aspect of his life.点评:分词引起的破句。当分词出现在一个短语或句子的开头时常常会产生破句,而这样的破句往往缺少主语或谓语动词的一部分。
修改后:A large number of people think that they had pleted their education when they finished their schooling. They fail to realize that a person's education is a most important aspect of his life.International travel has given rise to large numbers of employment opportunities. For example, retail, hospitality and transportation.点评:增加细节引起的破句。往往以下面的词语开头:for example, also, except, such as, including, especially, among, like.修改后:International travel has given rise to large numbers of employment opportunities in retail, hospitality and transportation.Many sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control. And also threatening to take already scarce city jobs.点评:缺少主语的破句。
用and之类连词打头的短语或句子居多,可通过使破句依附于前面的句子或加上主语的方式进行更正。修改后:Many sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control and also threatening to take already scarce city jobs.3、错误的平行结构所谓平行结构,就是指两个(或以上)意思并列的成份(包括单词、词组、从句和句子)在写作时要用同等的语法形式表达,并保证逻辑上的一致,否则就破坏了其平行结构。
①错误的并列In order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built and which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.点评:and who/and which 结构是考生所犯的错误中最常见但最严重的一种,因为它导致从句与主句间一种不合逻辑的关系。修改后:In order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.②一系列平行结构上的不正确使用Many people choose air transportation because it is fast, offers convenience and it is not 。
6. 雅思大作文范文参加过雅思考试的同学都深有体会,跟许多烤鸭们一样视雅思作文为雅思考试中的难中之难。
有此感的原因是,即使有观点,看得懂题目,却找不到合适的句子来表达,也无法写出高分的文章。所以雅思培训 查看更多雅思培训的内容>>查看雅思培训课程>>申请雅思培训试听课程>>的专家们为各位雅思考生们总结了大作文的必备句式,让你轻松搞定雅思写作。
一、表示原因 1、There are three reasons for this. 2、The reasons for this are as follows. 3、The reason for this is obvious. 4、The reason for this is not far to seek. 5、The reason for this is that。 6、We have good reason to believe that。
例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly, people's living standard has been greatly improved. Secondly, most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or like. Last but not least, more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life. 注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our life. There are three reasons for this. 这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。
二、表示好处 1、It has the following advantages. 2、It does us a lot of good. 3、It benefits us quite a lot. 4、It is beneficial to us. 5、It is of great benefit to us. 例如: Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore, reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 三、表示坏处 1、It has more disadvantages than advantages. 2、It does us much harm. 3、It is harmful to us. 例如: However, everything divides into o. Television can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television. 四、表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1、It is important(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible、for *** . to do sth. 2、We think it necessary to do sth. 3、It plays an important role in our life. 例如: Computers are now being used everywhere, whether in the government, in schools or in business. Soon, puters will be found in every home, too. We have good reason to say that puters are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age. 五、表示措施 1、We should take some effective measures. 2、We should try our best to overe (conquer、the difficulties. 3、We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4、We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced、with. 例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is being more and more serious. Therefore, we must take some effective measures to solve it. 六、表示变化 1、Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2、A great change will certainly be produced in the world's munications. 3、The puter has brought about many changes in education. 例如: Some changes have taken place in people's diet in the past five years. The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek. Nowadays, more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein, and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins. 七、表示事实、现状 1、We cannot ignore the fact that。 2、No one can deny the fact that。
3、There is no denying the fact that。 4、This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 5、However, that's not the case. 例如: We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollution. To solve these problems, we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollution. The government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment. 八、表示比较 1、Compared with A, B。
2、I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 3、There is a striking contrast beeen them. 例如: Compared with cars, bicycles have several advantages besides being affordable. Firstly, they do not consume natural resources of petroleum. Secondly, they do not cause the pollution problem. Last but not least, they contribute to people's health by giving them due physical exercise. 九、表示数量 1、It has increased (decreased、from。to。
2、The population in this city has now increased (decreased、to 800,000. 3、The output of July in this factory increased by 15% pared with that of January. 例如: With the improvement of the living standard, the 。
7. 雅思小作文和大作文字数是不是分别超过150,250就可以了雅思写作对作文的字数要求是很严格的,小作文不少于150字,大作文不少于250个字。
对于雅思作文字数分析如下: 重复问题的字数是不算的。因此千万不要照抄整个题目,除非原题中有一两个无法找其他词代替的,或者说是核心词,那么可以保留。
所有词都算数,但是雅思作文千万要杜绝缩写词,那样太不正式,一旦写了必扣分! 时间就是生命!别在考场上一个字一个字地数了,按行来计算!写作并不是字数越多越好,如果你可以在规定时间内写到300个字以上,除非你的英语相当好!不然的话还是花点时间来组织全文或者检查错误吧!毕竟质量还是比数量重要的。最佳安排:小作文 150-170字 大作文 250-275字 。
The line graph below shows the birth rate and death rate of population in a particular European country between 1950 and 2050.
Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every way. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
解析:1. 开头段:都有一定道理
2. 一方观点:影响孩子视力和学习;
3. 另一方观点:锻炼孩子手眼协调能力和协调能力;
4. 结尾段
范文 :
In recent years, the prevalence of computer games has exerted a significant effect on children's life. As to whether they affect children negatively, there is an endless debate. Despite the fact that playing computer games is an effective way to relieve pressure, the problems associated with study and health cannot be neglected.
Clearly, playing computer games is regarded as a main factor leading to poor academic performance. With the entertaining nature, computer games will easily distract children from their studious pursuits. With the passage of time, children will probably fall behind their peers in academic development. In addition, when children spend too much time playing computer games, they are less likely to participate in physical activities, which is one reason why many children suffer from obesity. As a result, these overweight children's confidence may be undermined and their health may be negatively influenced as well.
Despite these disadvantages, the advantages can still not be ignored. First of all, the latest research shows that game-playing helps children to hone their communication and interpersonal skills. In many cases, players work together in teams to achieve goals, competing against other players. Therefore, their social skills and teamwork spirit are put to the test. Also, computer games can have positive and therapeutic effects on players. Games provide an opportunity for children to decompress and tune out of strains and stresses of everyday life. Giving their mind time to rest is critical for emotional and mental well-being.
In conclusion, it is not advisable for children to play computer games, for the reasons that it not only has a negative impact on their study, but also makes them lose confidence, although computer games provide a form of relaxation.
(Word account: 279)